Medium Writing Tips

What are Fans on Medium?

Understanding the most valuable metric for Medium writers

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2019


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Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

If you want to be a successful writer on Medium, it is critical to understand the data on your readers. Perhaps one of the most important, yet often overlooked stats is Medium’s “fans” metric.

Fans represent the number of unique readers who clapped for a story. Many writers solely focus on the total number of views, reads, or claps. However, in my experience, fans are probably the best proxy for successful content on Medium.

Views can be skewed by click bait titles or sensational topics, Reads can be misleading for articles that are extremely long (or very short), and even Medium’s Read Ratio can prove unreliable as it fails to account for true reader engagement. Comments are a good measure of engagement, but they fail to account for articles with large amounts of external traffic, as many of those users are not Medium members and cannot comment, regardless of their appreciation for any given story.

Fans are essentially a measure of unique Medium readers who took the time to clap for a story. You may wonder — why don’t claps serve as a better proxy for Medium success?

Given the structure of Medium's clap system, each reader can clap anywhere from…

