It Takes Me An Hour To Write Most Blog Posts

An honest look at my writing process

Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer


Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

My friend George J. Ziogas recently tagged me in a post in a private group explaining how much he likes my posting style. Thanks George!

I thought it would be cool to detail how I actually write my blog posts, so here goes nothing.

First, my Medium articles are almost always 750–1,000 words. On some rare occasions I can get above 1,000 words, but that’s only when my fingers really catch fire near the end. It almost always seems to happen like that, by the way.

Oh yeah, and my blog posts are almost always finished within an hour. You might look at me and think that’s crazy, but I swear on anything it’s true.

Here’s why I like writing shorter posts almost every day rather than one longer, more polished post every week.

I’m Not That Kind Of Writer

I love longer, well-researched articles as much as anybody. I have a lot of respect for writers who take the time to edit, research, and put the absolute best article forward that they could every time.

But that style is not for me. It’s not that writing like the Flash is better, because I actually don’t believe that to be the case — it’s just that I know myself, and if I…



Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer

Travel blogger. 30 years old. Currently in Mexico. Subscribe to my Substack: