Should You Write Under A Pen Name? I Will — Here’s Why

Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer
4 min readSep 8, 2020


Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

I’m dreaming.. of a whi — AHEM..

No, that’s not right.

I’m dreaming of writing under a pen name. Multiple, actually.

The past few years have been crazy. 46,000 followers as a writer. Half a million followers as a vlogger. $200,000+ made as an online course creator.

It’s safe to say I’ve done a lot online.

In all my articles, I tell you the 100% honest truth. I don’t hold much back, and I’ve been very proud of that.

But there are opinions I’m starting to flirt with that scare me. They don’t scare me because I’m a crazy person.. They scare me because they rail against the “popular” opinions we see so much of online.

And they rail against them pretty hard.

Want to hear something crazy? Many times in my life I’ve had my message discredited because of my skin color, level of privilege, and various other personal details.

I make a lot of videos about the Philippines. Sometimes when I’m critical of something here I get a lot of comments like “You’re just a privileged white foreigner — what do you know about the Philippines?”

They have a point, but to be honest who I am and where I come from shouldn’t matter at all. The argument is



Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer

Travel blogger. 30 years old. Currently in Mexico. Subscribe to my Substack: