How to Set Up a Chess Tournament at Home

Stefan Morris
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2020
Chess Tournament

This summer, why not stay part of the time at home and play chess? Before you ask how, we provide you the guidelines for organizing the greatest game in history. Although chess seems to be connected with just adults, it can sharpen your kid’s critical thinking skills in no time. Let’s say your kids develop an interest in the game, and keep improving in chess — you think they could become World Champions in it? If you’re thinking along the same lines as we are, you can start by creating kid’s chess club to make that happen.

Parents, being the perfect candidates to get involved in chess for children, will need to keep a few things in mind. Most chess organizers wear three hats — club manager, tournament organizer, tournament director. In a home where resources are available, a chess organizer usually avoids wearing all three hats. On the other hand, in a home where there are fewer members, an organizer handles all three roles.

Managing A Chess Club For Kids

The key duties of the club manager involves establishing a meeting place and time, arranging the equipment, maintaining a budget, generating word of mouth marketing, etc. If you want to invite a chess expert in to give pointers to the kids, it’ll require some additional effort. You’ll have to search for the expert, and coordinate with them if they can take some time out for your chess club.

Organizing A Chess Tournament

Organizing A Chess Tournament

Getting organized has always been a big deal, whether it’s for a grand birthday party or a small picnic. Preparing to hold a chess tournament, here are some tips to make sure everything runs fine.

1. Choose a playing area

2. Shortlist the participants

3. Publicize the tournament

4. Decide on the prize fund

5. Manage registration, and of course, fees

6. Re-check whether you have the right amount of chess boards and pieces

7. Hire a tournament director or be the person who wears all three hats

Directing A Tournament

Once the organizing is done, in come the duties of the tournament director:

1. Divide the contestants into pairs

2. Signal when to start and finish each round

3. Supervise adjournments

4. Update scores on a chart

5. Settle disputes

6. Announce a tiebreak, depending on the situation

7. Distribute the prizes

It’s time to do some real talking. If you already have experience in organizing chess for children, that’s great. But if you’re new to the idea of a chess club, the easiest way to get started is to approach a chess club manager in your area, and learn the ropes. The internet can help you but only to some extent. Luckily, there are a few after school programs like Academic Plus, where chess is played. We’re always willing to help, so get in touch!

Here are a few more answers to questions you could keep in mind:

What Type Of Chess Tournament Should I Run?

The event could be formal or very casual. Be specific about what kind of event it will be before the invitees appear at your place.

How Many Guests Should I Plan To Accommodate?

If you have zero experience with organizing such events, a number between 8–12 people is perfect.

How Much Time Should I Give For A Match?

Let’s be real. You can’t allow the game to go on the whole day. If we adopt standard timings used in chess competitions, keep 1–3 hours per pair, and three pairs are enough.

What’s The Venue Going To Be?

It could be played in the garden, on the rooftop, or just anywhere. However, a formal chess tournament needs a serious environment. Hence, your living room or children’s study room would be good venues.

When organizing chess yourself, the concerns mentioned above will help a lot. In case we have forgotten something, feel free to let us know.



Stefan Morris

Versatile blogger sharing insights and experiences on a myriad of topics, embracing the diversity of life's learnings.