What Role Summer Camps Play In The Mentorship Of Kids

Stefan Morris
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2020
Role of Summer Camps

There are many essential life skills that parents fail to teach at home. Summer camps help mold kids into more confident and competitive beings while polishing their interpersonal skills. Our basic camp in Pleasanton allows kids to develop different abilities in themselves by putting them in certain situations at the camp.

Whether it’s learning how to support friends, resolve conflict, show empathy, or becoming selfless, summer camp offers many opportunities for growth. Not just that, the environment at the camp builds self-confidence in children. Kids who are stuck at home all summer tend to feel lonely or isolated, which leads to affect their self-esteem and triggers emotional issues in them. How can summer camps be beneficial? Let’s dive in.

Gaining Independence

For most kids, summer camp builds self-confidence because when they spend their time in a creative and learning environment, they become more independent. The camp is an incredible experience for kids to explore new skills and make their own decisions. It gives an opportunity for kids to discover themselves while instructors push campers to try things on their own. Our homework club allows kids to practice what they learned at the camp and make their own choices in doing so. Children get to make friends and study and play in groups. These programs and activities might seem overwhelming for schools. However, at summer camp, they feel more comfortable, safe, and independent while having fun.

Exploring New Hobbies, Interests

Going to summer camp means exploring new things and developing new interests. Summer camp promotes self-confidence because instructors encourage kids to try something new. A wide variety of activities like music, robotics, arts and crafts, sports, language skills, etc., help kids to learn and discover their new abilities.

Building Friendships

Kids who spend their summers at the camp have a chance to make new friends. It might seem nothing too special, but it goes a long way. Children get the opportunity to meet different children, and as they go about kids daily activities at Pleasanton camp, they interact and connect. They learn how to be supportive and empathetic towards each other and how to stand for one another in times of need. The more they mingle with other kids at the camp, the more confident and warm they’ll feel meeting new people.

Resolving Conflict At Camp

Another skill children learn at the camp that truly translates throughout life is conflict resolution. Amid so many kids and numerous group activities, conflict is bound to occur between campers. But this not necessarily a negative aspect; it puts kids in awkward situations which they need to overcome — and this is something they will need to practice throughout their lives, both as kids and adults. Campers learn how to address issues appropriately with an instructor working as the mediator. Learning how to resolve conflict in a friendly and safe environment will help kids become understanding, rational, and respectful individuals.

Developing Mentorship And Leadership

Similar to promoting independence, it’s important for your child to learn some leadership skills while away from home. As their interests and hobbies expand, they build new friendships and discover true independence; they might find themselves leading on new projects or activities. Plus, they work with instructors who are kind and friendly and someone they can look up to. Camp instructors who set a good example of being a leader/coach might push a child to do the same. Becoming a leader or mentor proves to be a great confidence booster for kids.



Stefan Morris

Versatile blogger sharing insights and experiences on a myriad of topics, embracing the diversity of life's learnings.