Why All Successful Businesses Use Package Tracking Software

Stefan Morris
Published in
5 min readApr 13, 2020
Package Tracking Software

Have you ever wondered how the number of package delivery services has increased? Supply chain has become one of the biggest industries in the world, transporting and delivering packages to billions of people around the globe. If you look at it, the industry has evolved over the years, offering a range of services and benefits. Earlier, sending packages to a different country or a continent would be a hectic and painful procedure, and would cost a fortune.

Our transportation industry has evolved massively over the past few decades. Earlier, sending out a letter would take days to deliver, which meant if you had to send out invites, you would need to plan it months ahead to receive all the R.S.V.Ps on time. These days, sending out a priority mail would hardly take a day to deliver to any corner of the world. One of the reasons why the supply chain furiously expanded is due to an increase in online trading.

The role of online trading in the Packaging business

Companies such as Alibaba.com, Amazon.com, and eBay.com have revolutionized the supply chain industry by promoting goods to offshore locations. Traditionally, companies would sell and promote their products locally or would establish a base of operations to reach international markets. However, since the dawn of online shopping that extends its goods to the entire world, the supply chain took a massive surge and improved its operations to meet the desired output. Since online trading reached out to global markets, companies had room to improve their revenues and increase their market share by selling to offshore clients. This in turn required a more sophisticated supply chain network that can expedite the shipping and delivery of goods to ensure optimal customer satisfaction.

Online shopping became a hit and almost everyone these days’ shops online for some of the products. Thus, the supply chain industry swelled to meet the ever-increasing demands of such companies. However, with an increase in demand in supply chain, it was imperative to implement package-tracking strategies to overcome mismanagement and wrong deliveries. This is where package-tracking software comes in.

The role of package tracking system

One of the biggest issues faced by online customers was the inability to track their orders and the expected deliveries. Often, if you are unwilling to pay for an expedited deliver service, the package or parcel goes via normal mail lacked the infrastructure to offer insights about the package’s transition. However, with the intervention of package tracking system software, supply chain companies were able to track down individual parcels and report to their customer for superior support. The mechanism is quite simple yet effective. Every package is tracked, recorded, and updated at each entry and exit point i.e. the package will be given a unique identification number, mainly barcodes. These barcodes are used to update the status of the packages as and when they leave or arrive at a checkpoint. For example, if the ordered goods are packaged and shipped from a warehouse, the barcode will be used to update system status. Similarly, once the package reaches the mailroom, the barcode will be scanned to update the status and so forth, until it reaches the delivery channel for final run.

With the help of package tracking software, major supply chain companies were able to offer their customers a live package tracking and simultaneously improve customer service. While a lot of companies use third party supply chain networks such as DHL, TCS, etc. certain large scale companies found this to be an opportunity to vertically integrate the business.

Package Tracker Software and Vertical Business Integration

Packaging and supply chain is a considerable cost for a business, especially for the ones who deal with large-scale deliveries on a regular basis. For small companies, investing in an entire supply chain network would be an unnecessary investment that would be unable to reap the returns. However, for large scale businesses that have millions of order to be shipped in a year, integrating a supply chain seemed like an effective venture. For example, companies that did not own their supply chain were unable to predict or control the delivery schedules. The reason being that large-scale supply chain operators need to fulfill a certain quota of shipments to minimize cost of operations and to make a profit. Therefore, dealing with such companies could often result in delays, affecting customer satisfaction ratio.

However, integrating supply chain with the help of best package tracking software created a win-win scenario for such companies. Since such companies already have a huge order list and a delivery list, they could operate individually, without relying on other third-party vendors to deliver their products. Controlling the supply chain meant that the company could reduce the cost of supply chain and deliveries, improve the service level, and offer their clients a realistic delivery rate.

One of the features of best tracking software is the ability to generate various barcode categories for different type of products. The categorical barcode generation helps with identifying the shipment requirements for each package. Since the contents of a package are not similar to one other, they need a monitored shipping environment to ensure the package is delivered in its best form. For example, shipping delicate products require strong the package in a safe area and needs to be handled with caution. By categorizing the packages based on barcodes, storing similar items together is simpler and easier.

Package tracker software is also effective when a company needs to send out newsletters to its clients. Often, large organizations send out newsletters or magazines to their clients to retain their interest in the organization. Sending our letters or promotional items to hundreds and thousands of customers requires an effective administration and package tracking to ensure optimal delivery. With the help of a package tracking software, companies can easily send out thousands of letters to their loyal customers while ensuring that the deliveries are completed on time. In fact, companies could also inform their customers about the shipments and allow them to track their parcels live.



Stefan Morris

Versatile blogger sharing insights and experiences on a myriad of topics, embracing the diversity of life's learnings.