Consistency is Key: 59% of Digitally Savvy Women Say Sponsored Posts Feel Fake/Inauthentic When the Content Is Inconsistent With an Influencer’s Feed

Kelley MacDonald
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2017
Source/ Jimmy Chang

We learned that nearly 60% of digitally savvy women will not engage with an influencer’s sponsored post if it doesn’t feel genuine, but what makes an influencer’s sponsored post feel disingenuous?

Based on responses from over 20,000 women worldwide in The November 2016 Bloglovin’ Global User Survey, a lack of consistency with the influencer’s organic content makes sponsored posts feel fake.

An influencer knows her audience best—she knows how to present images and position messaging to reach her audience—which is why it’s crucial that brands allow influencers to have creative control when collaborating on branded campaigns. Not only is it important for the influencer to control visual components of the campaign, it is also important that they control the writing as 52% of digitally savvy women also said they will not engage with a sponsored post if the writing is inconsistent with other written content in the influencer’s feed. At the end of the day, no one knows what is more consistent with their organic content than the influencers themselves. They know what their audience will connect with and engage with best.

For more information download the full version of our research available here.

Many thanks to Samone Wheeler for her contributions to this article.


All metrics referenced in the above article can be found in greater detail in Bloglovin’s November 2016 We Asked, They Answered: Global Power of Influencers Survey, where we spoke with over 20,000 digitally savvy women from our global audience.

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