Things To Consider If You’re Thinking of Tapping Into Instagram Stories For Your Next Video Campaign

Sugee Kim
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2017
Source: The Next Web

Instagram Stories is quickly becoming a viable option for Influencer Marketing campaigns. Before you dive in, here are a few considerations to shine with your next campaign.

Make the Best of Your Budget

Brands and marketers looking to tighten their budgets rejoice at Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories may serve as a more economical alternative to YouTube or other video solutions. In general, Instagram Stories campaigns require far less preparation, production, and equipment than traditional video platforms. They’re quick, they’re easy, and they disappear in 24 hours. Given that, influencers tend to be more lenient with their campaign prices. Again, that makes IG Stories a prime target for those looking to stretch their dollars or test out video solutions without going the full way with YouTube.

Embrace Spontaneity

Much of the appeal of IG Stories is its air of spontaneity, content appears for viewing in a strict 24 hour window. That is something to keep in mind, especially for brands looking to embody that spur of the moment feel. That feeling could make off-the-cuff showcases like unboxing videos and brand sponsored trips could choices for the sponsored content.

Be Okay With One And Done

Of course, if you’re looking to use Instagram Stories for your next campaign it is important to remember that the content created will effectively disappear in 24 hours. That means it cannot easily be preserved or repurposed. On one hand, the influencer can save the uploaded content to their device but there is no guarantee that they will be willing to do so nor is there a guarantee that they will be willing to pass it along. On the other hand, that’s not really the point of Instagram Stories. IG Stories is meant to share the unique happenings of a user’s day. Reusing that content in another story misses the spirit of the feature.

Other Special Considerations

In addition, be sure not to forget these other special considerations that will make your time working with influencers on IG Stories a breeze:

  • When selecting influencers be sure to target those that are video ready, meaning they are well spoken and comfortable in front a moving camera.
  • Be sure to discuss whether the influencer will be required to promote the upcoming video beforehand, doing so may help garner views.
  • Be sure to fully specify all necessary content to be shown or lines to be read. The video is uploaded immediately and gone before you know it so there isn’t much margin for error.
  • Remember that there are few edits with IG Stories. There will be less control over what the audience will see.
  • Lastly, don’t forget to make efforts to disclose sponsorship in the same manner as more traditional influencer marketing campaigns.

Many thanks to Samone Wheeler for her contributions to this article.

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Sugee Kim

Accounts, Director (@activatesocial_ f/k/a Bloglovin)