Blog Ninja Exclusive

Apple vs. Facebook Armageddon — Live or Die?

Two tech giants battle Apple vs. Facebook: One champions privacy, and one uses your data like a kid who grabs cookies from the cookie jar without asking.

Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2021


Screenshot — Courtesy of Apple.

Privacy Wins — With the release of Apple’s iOS 14.5

Apple vs. Facebook on Privacy.

If you think of one of the most significant data breaches in the history of Facebook, you are likely to say, The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal but this year,

Phone numbers, full names, locations, some email addresses, and other details from user profiles were posted to an amateur hacking forum,Business Insider reported last week.

The leaked data includes personal information from 533 million Facebook users in 106 countries.

And what has Facebook has to say?

This is another example of the ongoing, adversarial relationship technology companies have with fraudsters who intentionally break platform policies to scrape internet services. — Facebook

Facebook decided not to notify any of us, whose data can be maliciously used in Facebook’s…



I, Napoleon B.

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