Why are people called Psycho, when they study Psychology?

Zahra Batool Butt
Blogs by Contwre
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2019
Photo by Ehimetalor Unuabona on Unsplash

A very well-known declaration we all get to hear, when we tell others that we study Psychology is that: “Are you a Psycho?” Now, this has gone beyond the limits that, a lot of people get angry or they try to explain but fail. If we see it deeply, this is a very intriguing topic. We meet several people every day and, every person owns his own individuality, intellect, mind, soul, body, which makes him unique and distinct from others.

Many studies and researches are conducted on how the human mind works, intriguingly, we have a whole subject for it. After these centuries, we have finally come to the classification of knowledge and its objectives, that a subject like psychology is possible. So many minds, trying to study how minds work. Ironic, isn’t it?

Like every other branch of science, people have a lot of misconceptions regarding psychology too. American Psychological Association (APA) defines psychology as: “the study of the mind, how it works, and how it effects behavior.” Now, when we are studying one of the most complex structures every made in nature; the human mind, then misconceptions are ought to happen. The people who have never gotten their hands into this intricately deep subject, would of course end up perceiving it as a mess.

We haven’t even touched the question yet, but we have made the premise necessary for the answer to be made. When a curious-minded person studies psychology, he gets to know about the functioning of a body in relation to mind; the emotional and physical states, the malfunction of different functions and the disorders of mind. From then on, all humans in their sight, are like the lab rats for the testing of what they have studied. Interact with people of different behavior, mind, emotions, actions; individuality, intrigues them deeply. This intrigues them to evaluate this all. While basically, the other people, especially who lack the tool of acknowledgement and analysis, think that; those who think and acquire knowledge from environment, interact with people, analyzing little detailing, aren’t normal people. Rather, when they tell the lay and mundane people; who aren’t really productive that…. This all takes place in a human mind and body; this makes them feel awkward and they start thinking that the person who knows a lot himself has become mad. Whereas, if we see rigorously, isn’t it an art or some sort of celestial skill to be clear-sighted and hard-headed. To be smart enough to evaluate the emotions of others and then to help them through counselling.

Hayley William says: “Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.” The human nature is basically like that and, a few factors play an important role in it. For instance, if you don’t know much and the other has a lot of knowledge; which is helping him by hooks or by crooks, a sudden surge of jealousy takes over and at this time they make a big mistake that, despite of taking that moment as an opportunity to learn they start feeling insecure and inferior. Putting their uniqueness, skill and individuality aside. And in some other cases, they start burning like fire balls and start calling you “Psycho, Lunatic, Mad, Insane and Idiot.”

Concluding; no one can be ever mad by knowing so much the only thing that makes one ignorant and mad is the lack of knowledge. But, never misinterpret it either, the less you know, the more you get the opportunity to learn. So, it’s never too late to be called an actual mad or a so called mad, when in reality, you’re an intellectual soul. Because personal identity is based on a continued effort, one puts in oneself. This seems logical; we grow, we learn from experiences and we change ourselves based on those experiences. So, if you’ve this ability of growing and signifying the opportunities, you can never be a Psycho.



Zahra Batool Butt
Blogs by Contwre

I am Zahra, Head of Growth at many businesses. Writing is something that helps me grow individually too. So, why not? Follow my Instagram @zahrabatoolbutt