Of Satellites, Bootcamps and Video Games

Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2020
Photos: European Space Agency

In the third instalment of our series of interviews with space and blockchain industry thought leaders, we had an interesting conversation with SpaceChain UK’s Technology Manager Ziheng Xiang and found out more about his role with the company and his views on where the overall industry is heading.

You’re the blockchain technology and quantum communications expert in the company. Tell us more about your background and what you do in the SpaceChain Foundation.

Ziheng: On a personal level, I would like to see myself as someone who has always placed an emphasis on the importance of academia, which would explain my continued dedication to obtaining my PhD in quantum communications. This endeavour has seen me creating a single photon source with semiconductor quantum dots and deploying it across an optical fibre network. The end-goal is to generate entangled single photon pairs — extremely useful for secure communication and quantum networks.

At SpaceChain Foundation, I lead research on the application of blockchain and space technology, as well as champion the integration of both areas through various means. Examples of this application are seen in our synergic use of blockchain and machine learning to analyse Earth Observation (EO) data and the privacy protection of blockchain within healthcare data.

What are the developments in satellite technology that we are going to see over the course of the next several years? How will they apply to and directly affect the New Space Economy?

Ziheng: This is an extremely broad question that has to be considered on two levels; from government to private-led interests, and from individual to network-connected ventures.

During the course of the next several years, we will see a dramatic shift toward satellite technology becoming more accessible to the average person. Developers will also make further advancements and increase efficiencies in innovation, allowing us to make progress in outer space. Iridium and SpaceX have already made giant steps forward in this field. World-wide accessibility of satellite-based networks is the end-goal and we are moving towards that rapidly.

All this will help to make the industry more decentralised — one of SpaceChain Foundation’s key value propositions. At present, the space industry is facing barriers to commercialisation due to lack of resources but there is great promise that all this is about to change. These are exciting times for engineers and SMEs alike.

Ziheng Xiang was part of the cybersecurity panel at NSE ExpoForum 2019 held in Rome.

Can you share more about SpaceChain Foundation’s decentralised satellite infrastructure (DSI) and how the tech behind it will fill a gap in the industry.

Ziheng: Our decentralised satellite infrastructure (DSI), aims to build a satellite constellation that is owned by multiple participating entities. Being different from the existing or proposed constellations such as Iridium or Starlink, the DSI is not owned by anyone in particular. A true open-source blockchain network, our DSI will have different parties contributing to the operation and maintenance of it. Participating satellites will be able to receive information and tasks through its gateway which is essentially a blockchain registry.

One of the most integral parts of blockchain is its mechanism of reaching a consensus among its nodes. We are using this concept to make our DSI to be information-synchronized and record-trackable. The participating satellites will be able to view, share and relay the relevant information. It’s a way of building trust and automation across the space technologies industry.

You were a mentor at the ESA’s PhiWeek bootcamp in 2019. Could you share with us more about that?

Ziheng: The PhiWeek Bootcamp is hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA) in the framework of Phi-Week. It was essentially a workshop for participants to collaborate on innovative ideas for space technology.

SpaceChain Foundation’s CEO Zee Zheng and I were invited to fill the role of mentors to create a buzz around the way in which blockchain could be used in space. It was a very lively event that saw us sharing our own technologies, providing advice as well as carrying out discussions on certain industry topics.

I think that the presentation Zee and I gave was inspiring. There were a few participants that showed interest in working with SpaceChain Foundation after the workshop was over.

I was also flattered by some of the participants who provided feedback that my use of terminology and command of the subject matter was engaging!

Ziheng Xiang at ESA’s PhiWeek Bootcamp 2019 explaining the involvement of blockchain in space.

How do you see blockchain technology integrating with the space industry over the course of the next several years?

Ziheng: I definitely see lots of potential in this field. That being said, we are going to have to wait a while for heightened efficiencies and security improvements across the industry.

Blockchain plays an integral role in bringing finance and affiliated use cases to the space industry for commercialisation. I think it is the most important driving force for advancements in blockchain within the industry.

We also require solid application scenarios where blockchain plays a pivotal role instead of a contributing one, and that is something we are working on now.

What excites you the most about the space industry?

Ziheng: Where do I start? I am extremely proud to be part of this exciting industry. Imagine how amazing it would be to discover and explore even a trillionth of the Universe? I know what we tackle on a day-to-day basis may seem unrealistic and far-fetched, but I always reflect on how far we have come.

I think the industry also makes us less egocentric, we are merely drops in the mighty ocean. Acknowledging this is both valuable and humbling.

How has your experience working with SpaceChain been so far?

Ziheng: I never thought I’d say this of anything, but it’s even better than playing video games!

On a serious note, the ability to contribute and make a change through such an amazing platform makes me extremely content. I also think that we will reach great heights as a team in the foreseeable future.

Check out our other interview series with SpaceChain COO Alessandra Albano and Fossa Systems CEO and co-founder Julian Fernandez.

You can connect with Ziheng and the rest of our team as well as keep up-to-date with all of SpaceChain’s developments via Twitter and subscribe to our newsletter on our website for our latest news.

