SpaceChain April 2020 Monthly Report

Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2020


Interview with SpaceChain COO Alexandra Albano

We sat down with Chief Operating Officer Alessandra Albano to find out more about her role with SpaceChain and where the blockchain industry is heading in the foreseeable future. Read the interview here!

Space Law Decoded

Can anyone own the moon? Take a look at how these laws prevent space from becoming the wild west and learn how peace and order are kept in outer space here.

On blockchain and space

SpaceChain CEO Zee Zheng lets you in on his humble beginnings to creating SpaceChain and also, his thoughts about the fusion of blockchain and space. Read his interview featured in BTCBOX here!

Worth reading

In 2019, space tech investment reached an all-time high worldwide, with funding expected to rise to US$2.7 trillion over the next thirty years. These 5 south east asian companies dabbling in space tech are worth taking a look at!


Corporate user server

  • Worked on the mechanism of receiving service fees for corporate users.
  • Finished the development of batch derivation of private keys of the address of receiving service fees.
  • Fine-tuned the architecture to avoid the bugs during docker deployment, and also removed the step of building docker servers for corporate users. We will be continuously working on the corporate user server development.
  • Optimising the OTP generation mechanism of corporate user servers. Plus, we are developing a mobile application that can achieve functions of (1) decoding OTP secret and (2) generating OTP. As such, corporate users can complete the OTP related process in one mobile application that is more secure and convenient.

Space node software development

  • Performed the test on the SPC dual operating system on the hardware that is similar to the on-orbit development board. We are working on (1) identifying potential incompatibility issues and (2) ensuring that our dual OS can be operated on the real on-orbit software properly.
  • Finished the on-orbit upgrade and development of SpaceChain OS, as well as upgraded the kernel and system services of SpaceChain OS.
  • Completed the development of the slave core heartbeat monitoring function. Through monitoring the slave core heartbeat (i.e. communications between Linux OS and SpaceChain OS), Linux OS can monitor the status of SpaceChain OS.
  • Discussed the dependencies between the blockchain node and bitcoin software. We have confirmed the dependent libraries that need to be migrated to SpaceChain OS for next-stage software migration.
  • Currently working on (1) the architecture design of the software based on the potential customers’ requirements, (2) confirming the essential interface ports and software implementation plan. We are working the detailed software development plans on the dual OS by considering the relevant security issues.
  • Drafting the documents of system upgrade and user manual of introducing SpaceChain OS.

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