SpaceChain March 2020 Monthly Report

Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2020


A message to the community, from the SpaceChain team. These are challenging and uncertain times, but we feel confident that as a company and community, we can get through this together!


In the news

In this interview with btcn asia, listen to SpaceChain CEO Zee Zheng talk about blockchain being the next generation of financial infrastructure and the potential applications in outer space! Watch the video here.

Worth reading

As people around the world are staying at home and practicing “social distancing,” satellites have captured incredible views of what used to be some of the most crowded places on Earth, which have now become desolate in the face of the coronavirus. Read more about it here.


Electrum Software and SPC homepage:

  1. Fixed the issues of the wallet not being recovered by the seed.
  2. The test version of wallet can now be downloaded by both Windows OS and Mac OS.

Corporate user server

Our technical team reevaluated the corporate user payment address generation procedures as well as the payment address management mechanism. We optimised the procedures of transferring service fees such that the corporate user can transfer their service fees to their wallets in an easier way.

We have also optimised the mechanism of receiving transaction service fees for corporate users. The transaction service fees can now be automatically transferred to the corporate users’ own wallet, improving the convenience and security of the service fees transfer process.

Our tech team has finished the software development for corporate users to transfer the service fees to their own wallets. Our team will keep optimising the fees transfer mechanism and simplifying the transfer steps.

Space node software development

  1. Configured the new version of Linux kernel for space node software.
  2. Solved the compatibility issue in the dependent libraries of space node software. Also, we have finished the tests of updated space node software.

We are working on developing the dual operating system (Linux OS and SpaceChain OS). We have finished a test version based on 4.14 Linux kernel 4.14. We will import the test version of the system to the development board for further testing.

  1. Optimised the memory allocations for Linux OS and SpaceChain OS in a dual OS configuration. The dual OS is now compatible with boards with various memory sizes.
  2. We are drafting the space node software user manual and performing joint tests with our launch partners.

We have optimised the slave heartbeat monitoring and on-orbit software upgrade of SPC dual OS. We have improved the communication protocols between the two operating systems, ensuring the physical isolation of the two operating systems, while maintaining the secure communications between the two systems.

Check out our monthly report every first week of the month for SpaceChain’s latest news and progress and subscribe to our newsletter!

