SpaceChain October 2020 Report

Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2020


Delisting of token on Upbit

Our SPC token will be delisted on the Upbit exchange soon. We have reached out to Upbit but were unable to come to an agreement. This change will take effect on 11:00 (KST) November 11th, 2020.

We recommend withdrawing your tokens to an external wallet before the termination of support takes effect. You may store your ERC tokens (v1) on any standard ETH wallet, such as MyEtherWallet or Metamask. We are still working on the SPC (v2) token swap process and will keep the community updated.

Partnership with ELECNOR DEIMOS

SpaceChain announced a partnership with DEIMOS to collaborate under the project ECOMI — E-COMmerce platform for Micro-geoservices. The aim of the project is to develop an e-commerce platform, store4EO, with blockchain-enabled credit management and payment services. Through this partnership, SpaceChain will develop the underlying blockchain network that supports decentralised and transparent service purchase and distribution. Follow Store4EO on Twitter for the latest updates.

Blockchain Developer recruitment

Interested in the space industry and passionate about software development and blockchain technology? Apply here —


The ERC-20 SPC token upgrade

We are pleased to announce the token upgrade to ERC-20 SPC (v2) token is on track and well underway for release soon. We are in the midst of developing a website for a seamless token upgrading experience.

Those holding ERC-20 SPC (v1) token holders will be able to swap their tokens on a 1:1 basis, for a much better, DeFi compatible ERC-20 SPC (v2) token that enables them to unlock more financial products. Stay tuned for our announcement on the beta testing period.

In the news

The hardware and software used in space and what operating systems keep things running

Ever wondered about the special considerations involved for building and maintaining mission-critical operating systems that will run in a high-radiation zero-gravity environment? In the articles by thenewstack and arstechnica, we take a look at how companies like SpaceX and NASA equip their machines with state-of-the-art hardware and software to explore the cosmos above and beyond.

Blockchain and Space Law: How smart contracts can help rule space

NASA has enlisted companies including Astrobotic, Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada Corp. and Lockheed Martin to fly equipment and cargo to the moon in preparation for lunar landing. But how would one develop, maintain and enforce rules for operations and engagement for all these companies and their assets when they are in motion, hundreds or thousands of kilometers above Earth?

Blockchain, space technologists say, may provide the answer. Read the article here!

Worth Reading

How Satellite Imaging may Prevent the next Pandemic

World leaders have identified the need for global participation to ensure that sound handling strategies are in place to protect us all during (and from) future outbreaks. A large part of these strategies lie in warning systems for early detection that will allow experts to implement rapid response measures before such incidents become widespread.

Learn how companies such as HealthWave are setting out to change the way medical professionals and patients share insights and exchange knowledge!


Space node software development

  • The GomSpace hardware board has been upgraded and will be compatible with our latest version of software. This board will be used for our next ISS mission.
  • Developed the Callisto hardware board. All the user manuals will be ready this week.
  • Completed the deployment of hardware boards for community members. The bugs on the hardware board have also been fixed.
  • Revised the version of the LoftOrbital task delivery software package, tested its key functions, and proofread the corresponding version of the operation manual. The latest version of the software package has been delivered to the LoftOrbital team.

SpaceChain server architecture update

  • Upgraded the service payment workflow. Also optimised the data transmission mechanisms between SPC server and the S3 server. We are currently upgrading functions related to the data transmission with the ground station.
  • Preparing to upgrade our file transfer protocols to API.
  • Researched about the AWS Ground Station service and analysed its working modality together with the overall architecture design. We are further studying the specific functions and the operation details of the AWS Ground Station service.

Check out our monthly report every first week of the month for SpaceChain’s latest news and progress and subscribe to our newsletter!

