This Is My New Year Resolution

Bharathi Raja A
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2016

Don’t just for new year, but its always exciting to take a resolution. because it is powerful if you pick the right one and if you follow hard, it will change the way you live. Oh.. we wouldn’t follow them at least to the end of the year and make them the resolution for the following year again and again and again and again.

In October 23, 2016, I registered a website with hostgator (affiliate link). The domain name selection was not that much easy. Because I planned to write on ‘Everything Technology’, searched for a name starting with ‘tech’. As I already know some names like techcrunch, techmeme, techradar etc., tried techtoday-not available, techtalk- not available, techtoknow- not available, techdiary- sorry, techblog? techmaster? techcat? techdog? No chance.

Finally, I decided to add some flavor to mean the purpose of my blog. As I already have in mind that, my blog posts should be like snippets to cover the core thing of any tech news, one spark appeared was ‘shuffles’. Yes you read it right ‘shuffles’. Shuffles is a word famously used in playing cards. It is an action of mixing cards to arrange them randomly( am I said correctly?). So searched for ‘’ and WOW… I got it and felt Oh.. its Unique.

Done things good. But as I’m a stay-at-home father, realized once after started my blogging works that, how difficult it’s to work on a blog (technology is one of the tough niches yet worth the hard work). Remember, I have only enthusiasm and years of browsing experience (you may wonder browsing as an experience). I Don’t know coding or web design or SEO or how to write a good blog post. But I started by the spur within my mind.

I know if I do it right, where it will bring me and I know that if things go wrong, I will be forced to wind up my job nevertheless of hard efforts I taken.

One reason is there for the above sentence that, after completed over two full months, below is my site stats.

An average of around 5 visitors a day. Not bad for a new blog but the real issue alarms me is the comments (which is only 6) and subscription (obviously 0). I blame myself to this setback but that won’t turn everything down up. I can’t spend a huge time to work on the blog because to take care of my child who is only 6 months (you believe?). And I can’t spend on purchasing many tools available to promote my site as no money in pocket.


At this day, I (from the heart)make my ‘very first’ new year resolution (yes I go with only one which covers the rest of the things to do and the one which could change my life,make me give my family the lifestyle everyone dreams of,make me proud of myself, the one that could inspire many bloggers like me, give evidence that a poor man like me can turn to be a millionaire)that is,

“Make My Blog ( One Of The Top Ten Destinations In The World For Technology News”

I know one can lift a mountain than do this, but there are many done miracles like this. The only thing I believe is, the saying of Great Swami Vivekanand,

Take upon one idea

Make that one idea your life.

Think of it, dream of it,

live on that idea.

Let the brain, muscles, nerves,

every part of your body,

be full of that idea,

and just leave every other idea alone,

This is the way to success.

Want to be a part of it? and grow together? Subscribe to my website and share your problems to get solved, ideas to create spark and experiences to inspire.



Bharathi Raja A
Editor for

Fall on ground won’t Hurt; I rose from under, will rise again.