Head of Data, a new Yuxian at the company.

The Yuxi Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2018

At Yuxi Global we want to offer your company all the digital solutions that you are forced to face given the requirements of digital transformation, and this is why we have the opportunity to count with a new Yuxian which will strongly complement our company. He is Mateo Restrepo, a physicist and mathematician with the title of Head of Data, or also called Data Analyst, a position designed to take a higher advantage of the analysis of these data within the company and its clients, since nowadays data is also known as “the new oil” and its importance is more than required for a good product in the market.

We asked Mateo about how recent is the implementation or use of the data and he told us:

“It has always existed, what happens is that the proportion of companies which had data 30 years ago and knew it was a competitive advantage was only 5%, today that percentage has been growing and it´s becoming more popular. More or less 10 years ago exists this implementation, since the internet massified “

Given this, organizations today have a big challenge with data, well with the arrival of internet and the constant use of applications, it´s easier to acquire these, yielding thousands of study possibilities and market strategies. At the same time, traditional organizations have been digitizing and systematizing, and they have been recollecting the information of millions of transactions (understand a transaction as anything that´s done digitally: to interact with an app, to take a photo, to make a tweet, etc.) to work them in their favor.

Clarification: The data is also generated by a machine.

At Yuxi Global, Mateo has two main responsibilities, one is to bring all the possible knowledge he has about data, to teach us how to analyze it adequately, how to take advantage of it, and how to understand it, and as well to work strongly on Machine Learning, because it´s these set of algorithms, the one which takes advantage of all the data. On the other hand, to support the sales area, allowing to spread with greater emphasis this Data service and be able to attract more clients, advising them with their data and guiding them on the path of growth; leaving clear parameters such as the structuring and the proper handling that you should give your data, even helping them with the profile which they should hire in their own companies.

And how do you proceed to this?

The company comes to us, tells us what is their current problem, like this we can help them understand which data they have so far and which data they need; In conclusion, we advise them on how to obtain a competitive advantage from the data they have.

As Mateo says: “You have many preconceptions and to work in data analysis you have to leave a part those natural biases of the equation and let the data speak.”

What´s being done in Yuxi: Workshops in Data Analytics

One of the strategies of our company is governed by the concept of being knowledge leaders, therefore, Mateo will implement Workshops within Yuxi aimed primarily for developers, with the purpose of generating a data analytics ecosystem and thus find prospects who want learn much more about the subject.

What´s expected

We also asked Mateo about the possible results that the company could have if the Big Data boom was fully exploited. He told us:

“What´s being done is a step towards the right direction, although there´s much more to do, there´s potential to be focused on that direction or type of services, but there are always very big challenges with companies that are jealous of their data and sometimes the work becomes very difficult, however, we will have a lot of growth when implementing it correctly “

So, in this beginning process and implementation of Data Analytics, Mateo wants to make the most of the rigorous and analytical training he has had over the years, with the purpose of adding value to Yuxi, because that´s his biggest motivation to be here, and as he says “I have interesting intellectual challenges, and perhaps the most important is how to make the understanding of data more efficient”

If you´re interested in this topic and think your company needs it, contact us! We have all the capabilities to give a solution for a digital transformation.



The Yuxi Blog

We are a tech company with 13 years of experience that provides digital solutions to help you solve your business challenges! Contact us business@yuxiglobal.com