Python for big data computation on a single computer

The Yuxi Blog
Published in
7 min readJul 16, 2018

By: Mateo Restrepo

Many workers crunching big data on a single computer

Is it possible to process big data on a laptop? Most people would answer with a blatant no. In this post, I would like to convince you that not only it is possible but, in some cases, it can be convenient.

But first, let’s go back to the basics. What does big data analysis entail? Well, according to one of the simplest and most accepted operational definitions, big data computation happens whenever you need to process a dataset that doesn’t completely fit in the RAM of a single computer.

As per this definition, big data computation doesn’t have to be distributed among many machines. If you only have one machine and your dataset fits in its hard disk, but not in your RAM, you are facing a big data challenge. This situation calls for techniques from the area of out-of-core algorithms. The name stems from the fact that the only possible approach in this case is to load one chunk of data into memory do something with them, store (intermediate) results to disk, load another chunk of data into memory, rinse, repeat.

But wait! — you would say — writing and reading intermediate results to disk is very expensive and time-consuming. You are a 100% percent right. In fact, a comparison of the time needed to read 1000 MB of data from different media goes as follows:

Transfer rates of 1000 MB to different media. Sources: [1], [2]

We see there is two-orders-of-magnitude difference between the transfer rate of DDR to main memory vs. that of a traditional hard disk. Note, however, that not all hard disks were created equal, a solid-state drive being only around a factor of 6 slower than memory.

But wait! — you would say — having to divide my data into chunks and then coordinate the writing and re-reading of intermediate results to and from disk seems like daunting, tedious and error prone task. Again, my dear reader, you are right! The good news is that, in the Python ecosystem, there already exist good quality, high level libraries that take care of all the nitty gritty details for you. And the best thing is: their APIs are very similar to the ones you might be used to by now, namely Pandas.

Enter Turicreate and SFrames

About two years ago I had my first contact with Graphlab Create, a closed-source Python library for the easy exploration, visualization of and development of machine-learning models from large datasets, both structured and unstructured. Despite its misleading name, Graphlab Create was pretty awesome. It’s only problem: it required an expensive license to use. Dato, the company behind Graphlab Create, was then acquired by Apple and became Turi. This acquisition had the two nice side-effects: 1) Graphlab Create was rebranded as “Turi Create”, a more abstract yet less misleading name. 2) Turi Create was open-sourced. Most of Turi Create’s functionality is built on top of the SFrame class, which is very similar in concept to a Pandas DataFrame, except that it can be out-of-core.

A small (but significant!) case study: stalker-stalkee pair detection

In the remainder of this article, I will report on my experience trying out Turi Create and SFrame on a tricky problem using real data.

The data

The data we will use for our experiment comes from the (now inexistent) Gowalla social networking site. Two data nice data sets coming from this site are available here. We will be looking at the biggest one, which contains the event-log of “check-ins” of the Gowalla’s users to a set of locations. This data set contains 6.44 million records, each containing a single check-in and just a few columns, of which we will pick only 3: user_id, location_id and checkin_ts (the second-resolution timestamp of the check-in event). The total size of the data set in uncompressed plain text format is just below 380 MB, which cannot be considered big data by today’s standards, but please read on…

The problem and its (theoretical) solution

We will use Turi Create to attack what could be termed the “stalker-stalkee detection problem” on this dataset. In this problem, we are asked to identify pairs of users (E, R) that maximize the ‘stalking measure between E and R’. The stalking measure between E and R is defined as the number of distinct locations where there was ever a check-in by user E (the stalkEE) followed by a check-in by user R (the stalkER).

As you can see this is not an ML problem or even a problem requiring sophisticated statistical techniques. It’s just a “data munging” problem requiring simple structured data manipulations.

In fact, here is what the solution to this problem looks like using Pandas:

However, trying to run this code on a laptop or PC with the amount of RAM that is usual these days, (say 16GB), will result in a MemoryError exception…

But, why is this a big data problem?

To answer this question, we have to go into a bit of the minutia of what the cod. The first thing the code above does is to index the check-ins by location_id (remember that in pandas a single value for a key can refer to more than one row). This will make the following computation easier.

Then comes the tricky part, for each location we want to consider all pairs of check-ins of pairs of users where the check-in time stamp of the first user in the pair strictly precedes that of the second user in the pair. The code thus generates chin_pairs, a data frame containing all pairs of check-ins for the same location and then filters it to enforce the conditions just described to generate pairs_filtered.

This is the tricky part because it implies a location-by-location “quadratic” computation time- and memory requirement. And it is precisely here where the naïve Pandas solution blows up memory-wise. Sadly, or rather, interestingly, there is no way to get around this. When we run the out-of-core solution below, we will also get the exact measurement of how big the intermediate datasets in this computation are.

What we are witnessing here is a problem that falls in the category of big data not because its input dataset is big, but because an intermediate step can overflow our machine’s memory.

Turi Create to the rescue

We will try out Turi Create to implement and run the same algorithm. Luckily, Turi Create’s designers mimicked a good part of Pandas API, so the translation is almost direct!

First, we load the dataset directly from the tab-delimited text file and select the three columns of interest:

Loading and selecting some columns with turicreate.SFrame

Next, we generate the pairs of check-ins satisfying the conditions of our detection algorithms. Along the way, we rename the columns in the data frame of pairs, to identify columns containing potential stalkee and stalker ids.

constructing pairs of stalkee-stalker check-ins

The rest is smooth-sailing

deduplicating, grouping, counting and selecting top pairs by unique location count

The code above produces the following output.

And voilá! The whole thing ran to completion with no Memory error. The total computation time for this script on a 2 core machine, with just 4GB RAM and 16GB SSD, running Anaconda Python 3.6 on ubuntu, was 1703 seconds, i.e. slightly below half an hour.

Measurements of the sizes of the intermediate results (using len()) yield the following:

Number of records for initital and intermediate datasets

Notice that each record in our dataset takes up 56 bytes of space: 16 bytes for the user_ids, 8 for the location_id , 16 for the two check-in timestamps, and (at least?) 8 bytes of overhead for implied by the Pandas index. Thus, the first intermediate result, chins_ps, would take up at least 56 B x 562 MM = 31e9 B or about 30 GB. This clearly explains the MemoryError exception we got with Pandas..

A note on alternatives.

There is at least one very promising alternative to Turi Create out there, called Dask. Unfortunately, Dask hasn’t even reached version 1.0, and in a preliminary experiment I wasn’t able to reproduce the result above with it. Apparently, it requires some careful fine-tuning of some configuration parameters, which was beyond my humble infrastructure configuring abilities. If I ever figure out how to make Dask work for this problem, I will certainly write a post about it.


In this post we saw that doing big data computation in a single, regular sized, computer makes sense and is feasible by employing out-of-core algorithms. Further, the use of high-level and mature libraries such as Turi Create on Python makes it convenient. If you have an SSD, you can even do it efficiently for moderately sized datasets, say, less than 100 GB.



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