The technology field: how easy is it for women?

The Yuxi Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2018

After having a conversation with some women, between 22 and 30 years old, who are currently in the development and technology field, we can recognize a common factor that has incredibly affected in a negative way the study or choice possibilities of cursing a professional career for women. Broadly speaking, according to STEM, only 2 of every 10 students of careers related to science and technology are women.

What’s going on?

As some of the collaborators of our company Yuxi Global tell us, the responsibility of the inclusion issue comes since the school years, yes, since childhood! The leaders or teachers are the ones who have the right and ability to instill in their students some professions which only because of ignorance or lack of attention are few shown, and for this reason, the most common answers to the question “What do you want to be when you grow up? “Be” teacher, housewife, doctor, veterinarian etc “, this doesn´t mean it´s wrong, on the contrary, it’s so attached to their imaginary that from childhood they know what they want to be, but how about if we offer them more options? What if we show women some women scientists, who dedicated their lives to science and innovation, and the women who were astronauts? What if we achieve to adapt in your conscience that they can do everything without thinking that there are “men” and “women” careers? It´s a simple step in communication moment with them, opening new worlds is creating giant opportunities in an educational and evolution level. Just think, how much progress have we missed for not delivering the message well to girls?

Some numbers

However, and without it being a novelty, there are hundreds of debates about why women earn less than men, according to ONU WOMEN there is a 23% wage gap between both genders, and when it comes especially to technology the percentage drops another 20%, it’s disheartening! This phenomenon occurs even when they are more qualified and have more experience. It´s on company´s CEO´s hands to change these numbers, and that their voices message is transformed, and that finally they confront their next workers by telling them that working conditions in equality aspects have changed and to take it in favor of the companies as motivation mechanisms for those who (especially women) want to undertake in the science and technology field, and to obtain a broad vision that equality prevails in the face of any professional decision. Gender discrimination is a measure linked by certain administrative obsolete policies.

If you, who are part of the technology business, close to the multiple opportunities of having a woman in this field only because she is a woman and you don´t thoroughly analyze their qualities, potentials and experience, you are having a competitive disadvantage compared to other companies, perhaps they are in charge of removing these stereotypes and it´s possible for their results to potentially increase, because people like to see and be part of the change.

Share your ideals, and always be open to the transformation minds can have from your workplace, to the world we live in. Let’s relegate the resumes filtered by sex, and let’s find together a labor justice code, as we do in Yuxi Global, a leading company in technology and innovation with great women developers and in charge of business groups that only they can do perfectly.



The Yuxi Blog

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