What to expect when migrating to Ionic 4

The Yuxi Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2018

By: Jorge Vergara

Since Ionic 4 was just released I spent a couple of days updating one of my applications to see what I could accomplish. Today I want to share with you a bit of what I found.

The entire upgrade process was painless, since there aren’t many big changes, moving from V3 to V4 didn’t give me a headache as I was expecting, the only thing I’m still testing is the migration from Cordova to Capacitor because I haven’t made the time to read their docs.

You can see the V4 version of the app in its GitHub repo, so, you can check the structural changes and get a bit more familiar with it.

Over the next few paragraphs I’ going to show you what I found, what I liked, what I didn’t like, and how I dealt with it.

Web Components

I think the biggest change that came with v4 is that all the Ionic components are now standard Web Components. WC push more work to the browser, so you require less code, which improves performance and load/startup times :-)

Structural Changes

This is one of my favorite parts, Ionic decoupled from Angular to be able to work with other frameworks, I don’t care about other frameworks and I’ll still use angular, but this decoupling means that you’re basically running an Angular project with the Ionic UI components.

So, why is this my favorite, my company Yuxi Global has a strong Angular team and taking mobile clients it’s becoming easier since the difference is almost none (_really, you’re building an Angular app that you’re able to wrap on a native container to deploy to the app stores_)

Angular Router

Ionic 3 uses Push/Pop navigation, and Angular’s navigation is URL based, this is the biggest (programming) change for the people that don’t have Angular experience, but if you’re willing to put in the time to get familiar with the router you’ll get the understanding you need in one day.

So, instead of using the NavController you create all your routes:

And then add them to the app.module.ts file so that they’re available throughout the application.

Then, whenever we need to navigate to a new page, we inject the router into the constructor, call the method, and pass the URL:

Or you can use it from the HTML file with the `routerLink` property:

★Lazy Loading Pages

You probably noted that my router file isn’t matching URLs to components, that’s because it’s using lazy loading, it’s matching URLs to a module, and only if that module is called then the component gets loaded

Navigation Guards

This one was a cool thing I didn’t know existed (_what can I say, I started using Ionic without Angular knowledge_), we can create an authentication guard (_or other types of guards_) to only allow components to activate if the user meets the Guards criteria.

In this case, I created an authentication guard, if you use the CLI like ionic g guard path_to_guard they’ll create all the boilerplate for you and you only need to create the logic inside.

Guards aren’t difficult to understand, you create a function that returns either `true` or `false`, then link it to a route, if the function returns `true` you activate or load the route, if it doesn’t then you can redirect the user somewhere else or show an error, or whatever you want to use to handle that.

This is how my authentication guard looks like:

Most of that was generated by the CLI, I created the promise that the function is returning. It uses Firebase’s onAuthStateChanged() function to see if there’s a logged in user and returns that user.

If there’s no logged in user, I redirect the person to the login page.

To activate that authentication guard, you need to go to your routing file and add it to the routes you want to protect:

Syntax Changes

The syntax changes are annoying, we don’t like changing things that we feel don’t need to be changed, but the Ionic team did those changes for a reason, they’re moving away from framework dependency and all of those are now Web Components.

There are several changes and the full list can be found in Github repository.


This is not a required change, but I wanted to give it a try to see how easy/difficult it would be to implement and use vs Cordova.

So far, I’m liking it, the Camera example required a bit less code than the Cordova version, the one thing I don’t like is that when Capacitor creates the projects you need to open them through Android Studio or Xcode to run them in your phone. That’s where I miss Cordova’s CLI integration that worked well for me while in development.

Next Steps

I’m going to keep working on the Capacitor integration because I want to create a web fallback, and then will move to upgrade the rest of my apps, I have two tasks for you if you’re up to the challenge:

First, Reach out via twitter, you can always find me as @javebratt and let me know what excites you the most (or makes you mad) about the Ionic 4 move.

And second, we’re always looking for more amazing developers who want to join our team and help us solve our client’s business challenges through new technologies.

Discover our careers and services, maybe you can be one of us, enjoying of an #AmazingPlaceToWork and resolving challenges! Go here: www.yuxiglobal.com




Published in TheYuxiBlog

Yuxi Global is a software services and products company with offices in the US and Colombia. We help our customers visualize, build and manage the digital solutions they need to conquer their businesses.

The Yuxi Blog
The Yuxi Blog

Written by The Yuxi Blog

We are a tech company with 13 years of experience that provides digital solutions to help you solve your business challenges! Contact us business@yuxiglobal.com

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