An Interview with Tones and I: 2020’s Top International Songwriter

Stephanie Blokur
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2021
Original photo credit: Toni Watson by Ben Houdijk/Shutterstock — Blokur edit

Even before releasing an LP, Toni Watson, better known as Tones and I, took the world by storm with her hit single Dance Monkey. As detailed in Blokur’s 2020 Songwriters Review, there’s an average of five songwriters for any given song. Tones and I stands out as the sole writer on many of her songs including Dance Monkey. Writing 100% of her international hit has put her in pole position as 2020’s top songwriter of 2020 on streaming platforms.

At Blokur we recently had the pleasure of interviewing Watson to ask a few questions about her approach to songwriting and what lyrics mean to her.

Blokur: Do you have a ritual or process when writing? If so, what does that look like?

Tones and I: I usually start with the chords or with a line. I like writing melodies before I try to link them with the story I am trying to tell. I will lay down the main chords and start with the verse and make sure my first line is always a statement. I want people to get into the story of the song as soon as possible.

Blokur: You are the only songwriter on Dance Monkey, which is very unusual for a modern pop song. What is it about writing on your own that works so well for you?

Tones and I: Writing music is an outlet for me. I have never written a song for popularity or “charts”. If I was to let others write for me it would kind of defeat the purpose for me and I feel it would be hard to connect to the music when performing. I want to continue to make sure my music is as pure as possible and I want my fans to know that if they feel some kind of way because of my lyrics, it’s because I have felt that way too.

Blokur: If you could write with or for anybody else, who would you choose?

Tones and I: I would love to write with Lorde, Chance the Rapper, Macklemore and Tyler the Creator. These artists are unique and passionate songwriters in their own way, but also in a way that really resonates with me.

Blokur: Most of your songs seem to have lyrics with an underlying message — Can’t Be Happy All The Time, for example — how important is that to you?

Tones and I: CBHATT was my first real vulnerable song. It was very honest and open and this is the point where I really started sharing a lot more. It made me feel free to be so honest and let me unleash a different emotion that otherwise, no other song allows.

Blokur: When you listen to music, do you pay attention to the lyrics/the art of songwriting?

Tones and I: I absolutely pay attention to the music, the beat, the lyrics, the story and the melodies. I enjoy them either way but I do pick songs apart, especially the ones I really love.

Blokur: And finally, what would you say was your favourite song lyric? (It could be your own or someone else’s)

Tones and I: My favourite two songs are “Magnolia” by Gang of Youths and “Miracle Love” by Matt Corby. Both are such beautiful songs with so much emotion. They both make me cry and smile. Music is incredible.

Blokur would like to thank Toni Watson and her team for taking the time to be interviewed.

For more information on Toni Watson as the top songwriter of 2020, download our 2020 Songwriters Review HERE

