Making it easier for DSPs to use hit music on their app or service

Emsy Petersen
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2022
Making it easier for DSPs to use hit music on their app or service

If you’re a Digital Service Provider (DSP), then you know just how important it is to have the right music on your app or platform. The trouble is it can be very time consuming trying to identify all the rights holders so you can report back to the Publishers and Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) and pay them for the recordings you’re using.

We found that it can take a whole day to manually search for around 80 songs to find the necessary information. That would be 12 days for a list of 1000 recordings, based on the average time it takes a human to manually search for the same number of songs!

The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way!

The Solution

Blokur’s Drag and Drop matching tool enables you to match thousands of recordings to the underlying compositions in minutes! So for that pesky list of 1000 recordings? Get those results in just a minute!

Sold already? Try it free HERE

How does it work?

Simply upload a .csv or .tsv file (these can be exported from Excel, Google Sheets or Numbers) containing the title, artist and ISRC for the recordings for which you need to identify the underlying copyright information. Using our unique sub-graph matching technology, the file is processed, returning the results in just a minute. Imagine what you could do with all that spare time?!

Here’s a useful short explainer video:

What do I get?

You’ll get back a report showing you the songwriters, publisher names and publisher shares for the underlying composition for any recording that is matched. This will help you identify the publishing info which can be included in your report to the CMOs or publishers, all saving you time to focus on growing your business.

Want to give it a try?

It’s free to try with no commitment. Give it a go HERE

Need more help with the digital licensing process or reporting?

We know it can be complex and time-consuming dealing with music licensing and royalties, especially when you’re trying to get your app or service up and running. We can assist you each step of the way: from identifying which music licenses are required to calculating what royalties are owed to which parties. We’ll take on the administrative burden, saving you time and money and leaving you time to focus on running and growing your business.

Interested? Learn more HERE

