Joel Carpenter
Blonde Dreads and Bald Heads
2 min readOct 4, 2017


Facebook Unfollow

Do you need some extra time? Do you wish that the lure of social media wasn’t there? I have two things for you to help.

  1. Turn off all icon badges on your phone.

I removed all the red numbers that sit on the app icons telling you how many alerts you have in that app. Every time I saw an app with an alert I went in to the settings and turned off the notification badge.

This does two things. It stops you from knowing that there’s something to look at and therefore you’re not drawn in to opening the app. Secondly it makes your visits to that app much more intentional. I’ll visit Facebook when I remember to to, not when it reminds me to. Which leads me to the second thing…..

2. In the pursuit of minimalism I followed the advice of a fellow minimalist on the Minimalist podcast and unfollowed everyone and everything on Facebook.

For about a week I hit the little ellipses button next to every post and hit “unfollow”. You’ll find some pages and posts will require you to hit “more” before you find the unfollow option. You can also find a list of all your followed pages and “friends” through settings and mass unfollow them.

So now when I go into Facebook I think “who do I want to engage with” and off I go to their page. I’ve had the same post at the top of my timeline for the last three days because the only people I actually follow anymore are my immediate family and closest ten or so friends.

This has had an immediate effect in giving me more time. I have read a lot more of my book and spent more time on Medium reading / educating myself and writing. Hence why you’re seeing this.

So, do yourself a favour and switch off the notifications and unfollow everyone on Facebook.

Find out what more you can do with that time.



Joel Carpenter
Blonde Dreads and Bald Heads

@Joelcarpenter__ on Twitter. Or follow me on Medium to get notifications when I post new stories.