From Team Building to Client Meeting: first impressions of our team and project

André Chiavassa
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2017

There you go. Entering a big class with people that you don't know. A few minutes later you discover that these people come from all over the world and you have to present yourself and get to know them. Exchanging questions and chairs with everyone, throwing around a plastic brain, personality groups differentiated by colour, finding golden coins hidden across the room. Why are the facilitators doing these things with us?

Team building, of course!

At the end of this process we ended with a very diverse team of four people from Brazil, Mexico, India and Germany — all of us with different backgrounds.

First Team Photo at El Bosc de les Fades, Barcelona

We were able to easily work together on our first activity as a group and our first meeting was great. We met in a nice cafe and talked freely about our ideas for our name and group. We ended up with bloom as a name as we were searching for a word that could translate the feeling of how an idea comes up naturally after hard work and also to combine in a valuable brand for the outside world: clients and other stakeholders.

And then came the next challenge: choosing our projects. All the projects on offer were exciting: a social impact campaign for a NGO that deals with aquatic life, a project for a Spanish multinational, a project with a tech giant, and a super/innovative/high tech/futuristic/internet project with IAM: Internet Age Media.

We chose IAM, Internet Age Media, and we were able to keep this project.

As fast as the changes of the internet on the last 10 years — we already had a meeting with IAM at the Innovation Kitchen offices in Gràcia. We made a brief presentation to meet the internetical aesthetics of our client (using elements of the default internet pages designs and default screens from Windows XP.)

The meeting was a good opportunity to present ourselves and to know better the client and their values. We talked about the business structure, their goals, their weaknesses and strengths. We discovered that IAM is a company with huge value and thought leadership, trying to find a way to deliver this value in a more clear way to their public and also to make the company more sustainable for the future.

A big challenge for our team, but we feel capable to deliver a great job. Now it's time to dig deeper into understanding our client and the project.

Let's see what we bring to you in the next few weeks. Adéu!

