Official SundaeSwap Scooper

Doug Brown
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2021

SundaeSwap ISO SPO Vote Results Are In

SundaeSwap needs trusted actors in the community to aggregate transactions for the operation of their DEX (decentralized exchange). We are proud to announce Bloom was selected by the community to be one of the trusted SPOs (stake pool operators) to run a scooper. You can read more about the results here. Hats off to the Bloom family!

What Does This Mean For Bloom Delegates

Bloom delegates will receive $Sundae tokens after the SundaeSwap DEX launches (to be announced soon)! These tokens will be distributed to all delegates who stake with any Bloom pools before the launch of the DEX. Bloom will run the scooper software in addition to running Cardano-node and processing transactions for the Cardano blockchain. We view this as the first service we will offer. Bloom will offer many more services for the Cardano blockchain and community; stay tuned!

For The People

Whether you stake ADA with Bloom, have benefited from our content, or are active in our community, we celebrate and thank everyone for their continued support. We could not have made it this far without every one of you being part of the community. This is just the beginning, as we look forward to bringing even more value to the space!

