Unveiling Bloom Early Access!

Charlie Varley
Bloom wallet
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2023


We are incredibly proud to share the Early Access version of Bloom, the most feature-laden Shimmer wallet available! Crafted by IOTA Foundation alumni, Bloom boasts a beautiful design with user-centric features and industry-leading security. This blog post dives into what “Early Access” means and goes over Bloom’s short-term roadmap.

Download Bloom

Early Access is available to download on Mac, Windows and Linux from Bloom’s official website (or you can download it from GitHub).

Early Access

IOTA and Shimmer need a comprehensive wallet with a world-class user experience to leverage the full capabilities of the ecosystem. Currently, getting Shimmer and other Layer 1 tokens onto Shimmer EVM is filled with friction, because there is no singular tool available to send tokens between all networks. Users do not want multiple apps to access the various Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) networks.

Bloom is intended to be one wallet that supports IOTA, Shimmer, and Shimmer EVM in a single intuitive interface. We didn’t want to make you wait until we had completed all our milestones to release Bloom, so we are releasing our latest production version today under Early Access. Expect frequent updates during this stage until we have completed the short-term roadmap.

Bloom is a robust, battle-tested wallet, originating as a fork of Firefly, IOTA’s official wallet. Bloom uses the IOTA-SDK/Stronghold and Ledger Nano for handling private keys. This software has been audited previously. While we go through these quick iteration cycles, we will not be fully auditing Bloom. However, an independent security researcher has reviewed major changes to the codebase and we will continue to review any changes to security boundaries. A larger audit is a prerequisite for moving out of Early Access.

Packed with features

Today marks the conclusion of months of preparation by the Bloom team. Since spinning out of the IOTA foundation, we have rebranded, improved, and added a range of new features, visible in the astounding number of changes between Firefly and Bloom. To summarise: we changed 3,574 files, added 186,789 lines and deleted 172,525 lines through 725 pull requests.

Bloom launches with an assortment of features for both the Shimmer and ShimmerEVM networks, from wrapping L1 tokens onto L2 to managing ERC-20 tokens. The application supports creating or restoring multiple profiles with a 12-word or 24-word mnemonic, a Stronghold file or a Ledger Nano device.

Bloom provides comprehensive support for the Shimmer protocol (and soon IOTA) including:

  • Sending transactions with Shimmer or IRC-30 tokens.
  • Sending and displaying IRC-27 NFTs.
  • Adding Tag and Metadata features on transactions.
  • Support for Storage Deposit, Timelock and Expiration unlock conditions.
  • Developer Tools to mint aliases, native tokens and NFTs.
  • Deep link support for sending transactions with dApps (e.g. Soonaverse).

Bloom supports the Shimmer EVM and the Testnet EVM chains out of the box. Initially, we provide the following functionality:

  • Sending assets (SMR, IRC-30 tokens, IRC-27 NFTs) from L1 to L2.
  • Sending L1 assets (SMR, IRC-30 tokens, IRC-27 NFTs) and ERC-20 tokens on L2.
  • Sending L1 assets from L2 to L1.
  • Displaying IRC-27 NFTs on L2.
  • Importing and tracking ERC-20 Tokens.

Additionally, we created a Bloom UI kit removing code duplication and providing a single source of truth for designers and developers. We have made Bloom’s code public here under the PolyForm Strict License 1.0.0.

Up next

Once you’ve tried Bloom, we suspect you will be eager to know what’s coming next. As mentioned, we will remain in Early Access until we have completed our short-term roadmap, which includes (in no particular order):

  • Dark mode!
  • A contact book, where you can store your frequently used contacts.
  • Extended EVM support including ERC-721, ERC-1155 and ERC-4361.
  • WalletConnect for dApp interactions, signing messages and sending transactions.
  • A governance dashboard for voting on important community decisions.
  • IOTA mainnet support.

What are you waiting for?

We hope you enjoy using the app as much as we do! Join the Bloom community on Discord to let us know your impressions and suggestions and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

Download Bloom on Mac, Windows and Linux from Bloom’s official website now.

