Intel Is First to Share Detailed Pay Disparities. It’s Not Flattering.

New transparency shows familiar old divisions, with white and Asian men earning the most. The company says disclosure is a crucial step.



Photo: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation

By Jeff Green and Hannah Recht

It’s not really a surprise that white and Asian men dominate the top pay tiers among Intel’s U.S. workforce. That’s been true in the tech industry for years. What’s unusual is the excruciating level of detail about pay disparity the chipmaker is releasing Tuesday to the public — information it could have kept secret.

In addition to its annual update on the outlook for women and people of color at the company, Intel on Tuesday released the results of a new report it sent to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that gives unprecedented pay, race and gender data for about 51,000 U.S. workers. Intel is the first company to release the otherwise private data.

The results are not flattering. Among 52 top executives at Intel, who all earn more than $208,000 — the top pay band the EEOC tracks — 29 are white men, 11 are Asian men and 8 are white women. The remaining tally is 1 each for Asian women, black women and black men, with no Hispanic men among executives in that top tier.

