Sick and tired of this “brave woman” thing

Shira Ovide
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2017
Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg

This post originally appeared in Bloomberg Technology’s newsletter Fully Charged. Subscribe here.

This has been the year of “brave” women. And I’m getting sick and tired of women having to be so brave.

The women who accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault are brave. The women at Fox News who came forward with accounts of sexual harassment are brave. So too are the growing numbers of women speaking publicly in recent weeks about sexism, harassment and much worse from some startup investors in Silicon Valley.

These women are absolutely brave.

But do the people with the least power have to shoulder responsibility for weeding out misconduct by people with the most power?

In many of the recent harassment revelations there were people who knew or suspected something terrible was happening and didn’t do enough to stop it. Venture capital firm Lightspeed acknowledged it should have done more to prevent Justin Caldbeck from leaving the firm unscathed after at least one female founder complained about his inappropriate behavior. Elizabeth Yin, a partner at 500 Startups, this week resigned over how the firm handled a claim of sexual misconduct against Dave McClure, the founder of the prominent startup incubator. He has now stepped down after several women said he harassed them.

Caldbeck apologized. McClure called himself a “creep.” And powerful male tech investors such as Reid Hoffman have publicly called for systemic changes in the venture capital system. But many more people in positions of authority have to take responsibility for stopping bad behavior.

The sad thing is people will call the latest VC sexual harassment allegations a moment of reckoning for the tech community’s treatment of women and other underrepresented groups. But previous turning points didn’t change much. Ellen Pao’s gender discrimination lawsuit against Kleiner Perkins was supposed to be a turning point. The embarrassing workplace demographic information from big tech companies was supposed to be a turning point. There are still a good number of people in technology who think everything is fine for women in their industry.

In case the message hasn’t gotten through, everything is not fine. The latest stories should finally crush the foundation myth that technology is a meritocracy where the only things that matter are the strength of your ideas and ability to execute on your convictions.

Like everywhere else in the world, some powerful people in tech abuse their power and will do whatever it takes to keep it.

The good news is it’s not completely business as usual in Silicon Valley. A chain of events at Uber that included Susan Fowler’s brave whistle blowing led to Travis Kalanick’s ouster as CEO. But change is disappointingly slow. At a moderated discussion in April between Pao and Anita Hill, the law professor whose sexual harassment testimony was hailed as a turning point for women 26 years ago, the audience was asked to raise their hands if they’d been sexually harassed at work or knew someone who had. Nearly every hand went up among more than 1,500 attendees.

The last two weeks have shown women in technology are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. But if they’re the only ones who are fed up about systemic abuses of power then not enough will change.



Shira Ovide

I write about technology for Bloomberg Gadfly. Native Ohioan. Please suggest delicious eats. Find me at sovide at bloomberg dot net