A calling.

Nikhita Alisha Ohri
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2020

Hey there, it’s Nikhita again. By the time you have finished reading this, I hope that you have gotten to understand my world a little better.

Here goes, this is the first article that I have written in a long time and I was wondering what exactly should I write about. Should I write about myself? Would people really want to read that? Or should I write about things I’m passionate about like television and film? Or would people be more interested in things that are going on across the globe let alone our tiny red dot? And that’s the thing though nowadays, nobody knows what anybody wants anymore. It’s so hard to understand and figure out what people are thinking about. Some people want to talk and discuss politics, others don’t. Some want to talk about things happening across the globe, others don’t, don’t you agree?

You’ve Got Mail (1998)

Putting up articles, notes, or letters online, is a whole new world. Times have changed, I remember having to write essays in primary and secondary school until my fingers hurt and I hope and wished that one day there would be an easier way to do this. And…here we are. Did you ever imagine we’d be living in a world where our whole lives are online? That there are people out there still alive today, that have lived through a time without the internet, phones, or the beginning of film and television? It’s crazy that I was born during a time where people were transitioning from being offline to online. I think I was about 3 years old when I got my first computer, you know the iMac that had a huge back and came in many colors? Yeah, the one like this.

iMac (1998)

“Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life — well, valuable, but small — and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven’t been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn’t it be the other way around?” — Kathleen Kelly, You’ve Got Mail

Now, here’s where my passion bloomed, somewhere between the ages of 4–5, or even younger than that, my parents would get me all kinds of CDs to insert into my iMac to watch or play games as well as movies and kids shows on the telly. I grew to enjoy and love that world so much. The world where anything and everything is possible. I think the first rom-com I ever watched was You’ve Got Mail by Nora Ephron when I was maybe 10 or 11 and that’s where I thought to myself that someday I want to do that. Tell stories through the big screen. I just didn’t know how.

You’ve Got Mail (1998)

So my mom introduced me to something just as good as the movies… Television Series!

“I live in two worlds: one is a world of books” — Rory Gilmore, Gilmore Girls

In my case, one is a world of film and television. For as long as I can remember, my mother and I have binge-watched our entire box set of Seasons 1 through 7 of Gilmore Girls every single summer break. A classic television show about the relationship between mother and daughter and the ups and downs of life. That show reminded me constantly of what I wanted to do.

Gilmore Girls Season 5 Episode 7 — You Jump, I Jump, Jack

Although Rory Gilmore ended up doing journalism, this is pretty much the same thing, right? Gilmore Girls was just the beginning. Sadly, it is really impossible to watch every single television series and movie ever made because we will never have enough time although there are so many good (and bad ones) out there.

Gilmore Girls (2000)

You see, film and television is something you can never get bored of. There will always be something out there for everyone. It’s such a great conversational piece, it’s something you can do alone or in groups. However, it is quite unfortunate that during this pandemic we are unable to watch movies in cinemas like we usually do and our favorite tv shows have stopped production until things get better. The favorite thing that I have that reminds me of my passion, is a jar in my room consisting of movie tickets dating back to 2010!!! I’m pretty sure that’s when I started my collection. Due to the pandemic, I turn to Netflix now more than ever and I might even make my own movie tickets and have my own movie nights because who knows when it’ll be safe to go to the movies again.

Jar of movie tickets & other collectable tickets

One thing I hope never happens is that going to the movies will eventually die out. I don’t want that. I hope that for as long as I live, people will still want to go to the movies, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the presence of watching an incredible movie with a 100 other strangers.

And that’s how my passionate dream turned into an incredible reality. Who knows? Maybe just maybe, one day you’d be watching a screenplay I wrote.

Till we meet again. X

