Is Google stalking me?!

jazlyn cheong
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2021

Have you ever wondered how Google promotes the right ads to you? Google always manages to find out what you want and promotes it to you. Even the most random of things… So how does Google actually find out what you want to buy?

Every search you make on Google, Google records them down using Cookies 🍪 Cookies make advertising effective as it can track what websites you go to and eventually serve you an ad that is personalised to you!

List of things that Google track

Yesterday, I just found out that Google has an Ad personalisation website. On the site, it actually shows you a whole list of assumptions they have made just from your searches and websites! It creeped me out quite a bit as they are really spot on with their assumptions. We are always scared about our personal info being leaked but we are unaware of what is really tracking us out there.

They managed to guess my age right!
Whether I have kids?
Whether I am in a relationship?! That’s creepy…

ALL THESE JUST FROM MY SEARCHES?!?! And people are worried that the government is using our info? We are looking at the wrong issue… If you would like to find out what assumptions Google has made for you, visit this 🥳link! You can even turn off the settings if you prefer too! I really love the personalisation that Google provides.

We have a lot more to learn about data collecting from websites and search engines! Do your research and always read through the term & conditions before ticking the box off. Stay safe on the internet!

