Life Of A 2021 Bloomr.SG Intern!

Shantini Sukunan Selvarajah
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2021
Photo from Bloomr.SG Facebook

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘internship’? Well at least for me, I’ve heard statements like “working for the experience only”, “low pay, more work”, “treated like a ‘slave’”, etc. And that’s why I’ll be sharing little bits about my internship while debunking some of these misconceptions, because interning at Bloomr.SG is one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Let me backtrack a little. The beauty (and surprise) of this internship is that I got into the job after a 7 to 8-minute interview. It was a super chill one, and I clearly remember Diogo saying “I don’t look at your portfolio, as long as you’re willing to work hard, you’ll be fine.” NGL, I was taken aback at first, but soon I realised that it’s true especially in this line of work.

Photo from GoRTNM

It’s only been 7 weeks into my internship and to be honest, I’m learning something new every day. Be it via social media content, or even through our group texts. There’s always some sh*t to watch/read, and it has honestly added more flavour into my already dry life.

If you’re thinking about the type of work I do, it’s very simple. My internship partner is in production, while I’m in marketing. But that doesn’t mean that we do work according to our sections only- instead we help each other with the tasks we’ve been given. Specifically, for me, I’ve been handling the company’s Instagram and Facebook accounts, and have been helping to manage its Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and YouTube. So, I’ve got to produce content daily, and sometimes, I’ll help with creating content mock-ups for clients, admin work, filming and post-production.

Photos from Bloomr.SG YouTube

It’s not difficult, but it’s not simple either. Coming up with daily content can be a little tough at times, but at the end of the day, there’ll always be something to create if we’re more observant of the current news and trends.

Also, doing a WFH internship has taught me a lot more about discipline. Time is in your hands, and honestly, if you get your work done by the end of the day, you can do whatever you want during the little pockets of time. I miss going to the office (despite going only twice but whatever), but I can (safely?!?) say, I have adapted to a WFH lifestyle as everything’s within my reach. For example, forgot to bring a charger? Not to worry as it’s just a few desks away.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Alright enough about WFH. Now’s where I am going to debunk some of the “popular” internship misconceptions.

  1. I’m treated very well in the team. Everyone is such a joy to work with, and never once have I felt “out of place”, “unfair” or “mistreated”. In fact, they’ve got my back and I can’t thank them enough for it!
  2. I absolutely don’t agree with the “low pay, more work”. In fact, I’m getting paid ACCORDING to the workload I’ve been given. There are times where I struggle with my work (mainly because of my overthinking a**), but it’s part and parcel of life. You only grow when you struggle.
  3. Just realised that I can’t debunk this because it’s the truth. It’s not wrong to look forward to getting paid in your internship but that shouldn’t be in your mind 24/7 because you know why? You’re not going to do your job well, you’re not going to learn from your mistakes and lastly, you’ll not have a good internship experience. It works the same for a regular employee. When you do what you love and not only for the money, you’re more inclined to ace. So, you see, an internship is a golden opportunity for you to learn more about the working world, especially when you’re transitioning as a student to an employee. You get to learn more about the industry, the people and forge connections which might even help you land a job in the same industry in future.
Photo from Frontiers Media

If you skipped all the paragraphs, let me summarise it for you:

  1. Internship in Bloomr.SG is fun and meaningful! You get to produce videos, daily social media content and film TikTok (which I have never done until I became a part of the company).
  2. Work for the experience, not ONLY for the money (as cliche and boring as it sounds, it’s the truth).
  3. Go read the article from the beginning because I don’t want my precious writing to go to waste.

That’s it from me! If you want to know more about Bloomr.SG, visit our socials and website. If you want to intern at Bloomr.SG, you’ve got my 101% of support so go for it!

