Passion: Taking an Internship with Bloomr.SG

Javier Han
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2021

“Huh?!?” and “Why?!?” were two common first reactions I got when others found out I am an Economics major taking up an internship with Bloomr.SG. I wasn’t surprised given that two years ago, I would have had the same reaction and thoughts.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

With choices in the FinTech, finance, data and media industries, past me would have chosen FinTech without a doubt due to that sweet alluring internship allowance. However, the present me would decide to choose an internship with Bloomr.SG due to “interests and passion”. Truth to be told, my only regret is not having taken this internship earlier during the summer of my first year or even the summer before I started university.

Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

Ever since my childhood days, I always dreamed of being in the entertainment industry, and with the growth of YouTube in the past few years, it has provided people like me a platform to showcase ourselves and our personalities to everyone around the globe. However, just like most parents, mine pushed me towards the path of being a lawyer or doctor and I gradually lost interest in it as endless hours were poured to grind out the best results I could muster, eventually falling short of the grade requirements for either of the course my parents had hoped for me to enroll in.

This dream was reignited during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic when my university lessons were moved online. With a lack of self-discipline and the convenience of having the school library to study after classes, I eventually found myself spending upwards of 15 hours a day on YouTube, watching ordinary people make a career out of YouTube by sharing their extraordinary experiences. From this, I thought to myself this would be something I enjoy compared to the many desk-bound career opportunities that my degree would offer.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Intending to build a career as a YouTuber, I needed to pick up the required skills as then, I had 0 knowledge in filming, editing, or even production. Naturally, Bloomr.SG became a choice for me to pick up the skills I wanted and at the same time, gain insights into the industry considering Bloomr.SG MCN is Singapore’s first and only official YouTube Multi-Channel Network (MCN) affiliate.

After 10 weeks in this internship with 2 and a half weeks remaining, I do feel quite sad that the internship is coming to an end. On a whole, I have gained whatever I had hoped to gain out of this internship and much much more.

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

As mentioned previously, one of the main things I looked to pick up was the skillsets in creating content. Although I have picked up some skills from the Internet in the past year, it could not beat having Tiffany guide me and answering my questions weekly when producing Bloomr.SG’s weekly content. Having to post weekly also forced me to accept posting work that is not perfect which I hate doing as a perfectionist. But as they always say, nothing can be perfect as there are always areas of improvement. At the same time, I was given opportunities to edit and participate in different types of videos from reactions to discussion topics to even games which help build my experience throughout this internship.

Furthermore, with the Bloomr.SG MCN Accelerator being launched during my internship, I also got to meet different creators and as a result, different ideas and perspectives towards content creation which allowed me to further enrich and improve my content. On the same note, having the opportunity to participate in the weekly studio sessions provided me with the chance to learn from the feedback and advice given by the Bloomr.SG team.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

All these are in addition to the macro insights I gained from working on different projects throughout my internship which will grant me an edge when starting my journey as a content creator immediately after the end of my internship.

On a whole, if you ever thought about interning in Bloomr.SG, why not just go ahead and apply for it. It is truly an unforgettable experience for me, being one that constantly pushes me beyond my comfort zone (in a good way) and I am guessing it would be the same for you.

In conclusion, everyone should give themselves a chance to pursue their dreams. As much as I hate to sound like a broken recorder, the university moments are the time where you should freely pursue your interests. You never know if you will succeed and eventually make a career out of your interests so just do it!

