Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

jazlyn cheong
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2020

“What are your aspirations and dreams?” “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

We have all heard these questions somewhere, ain’t it? And we would all have different answers for it. Some may be doubtful of themselves, some clueless, some confident.

For me, I’d be confident on the front but honestly, I ain’t that confident and honestly quite clueless. Today, I will be talking about my dreams and aspirations for the future as an 19-year old teen.

Throughout my life, I’ve always loved being creative. I just really loved the arts.

The past

I was that kid who asked,

“Mommy, can I join drawing class? Mommy, can I join ballet? MOMMY…”

The list just never really ends. But with all these dreams and aspirations they were all short-lived as I am just really lazy. My mum finally signed me up for ballet and guess what! I went for 4 classes and the rest of it I just slept at home. SO LOL I am just really that kid who is all talk but no action.

Despite, being lazy, I always knew I wanted to do something that involved the media or the arts. In Primary 1, our teacher used to get us to write our dreams and aspirations and I said I wanted to be an artist.

Look guys, Baby Jaz really liked drawing HAHAHA

I guess since then, my ambitions, dreams and aspirations never really changed. I still love to draw and I still love coming up with weird ideas. (even though, I say I like them, doesn’t mean I am good LOLOLOLOL)

At 16, I had the choice to choose between going to a Polytechnic or Junior College. But honestly, I already knew I wanted to do something within the media industry since forever. I was so persistent and fought with my family just so they would let me go pursue my dreams. AHAH being so stubborn, nobody could stop me.

The present

And I got into the course I wanted and was so excited. But lo and behold, things didn’t go too well and let’s just say my GPA is at an all -time low.

That’s sad, but nothing is going to stop me from chasing my dreams. I did external gigs, worked at multiple companies so I could learn more from industry projects. And all of these experiences, helped me understand schoolwork better and I was able to produce better quality work. I have improved a lot and it also helped me with learning to be more open-minded to ideas and feedback.

During those times, working for people, I’ve definitely met people who looked down on me. I mean who would have taken a 17 year old seriously. Not gonna lie, but sometimes I was a little frustrated with it because I knew I could achieve more if they were to have given me a chance.

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

This would be my reply:

“I’d be 24 in five years. I want to be someone who will be respected by others. I want to be a person who can firmly stand for myself and my ideas. I want to be as stubborn as I was when I was young and look for opportunities to grow myself even further. I will be hungry and thirsty for new opportunities ahead and I will not stop myself and no one can stop me. As my road to being the person I am now was definitely not easy, and I hope that I can inspire others when I am 24. I want to be successful.”

That will be my answer, probably cliché to many. (sounds cringey to me too LOLOL) It doesn’t matter to me whether it was inspiring to only one person or a group of people. I just hope my story can inspire others and get them to chase their dreams even though the odds are against them.

And lastly, my favourite quote and probably my life motto LOL:

“Tough times don’t last, but tough people do!”

