Bloom Weekly
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2018


College students are, what? Seventeen to twenty two, and trying to figure out how to adult correctly?

Yikes! Sounds stressful.

Now, add love into the mix — and 🤯

As if 17 credits, a 7 a.m. class, and figuring out if its okay to eat your third cup of ramen wasn’t stressful enough, now we worry about love? Have you ever thought about that? Love? What it is, what it means, what it’s really supposed to feel like? They always say when you know — you know — but do you ever really know?

If you ever asked yourself these questions, believe me, you’re totally normal. I’m 100% with you. Is love really what you see in the cinemas, or on Instagram fairytales? Is it the whole meet a cute boy during the summer, even though they’re totally not your type, but win you over anyway type of thing? Is it something that makes you want to scream and jump up and down? Does it make you nervous when you catch a glimpse of the person you’re thinking about asking out? Are you nervous right now? Have you been thinking about them ever since I mentioned it? Does sunshine, I don’t know… practically come out of your ass?

Yeah, me too.

It’s a phrase a lot of us hear often. And it comes across as a bit selfish, but let’s be honest: we’re at a point where we can barely resist changing our major more than twice. It’s not selfish, it just means you’re young and growing. Things will change, and so will you. It just means you might love them, but not be in love with them. You might not know exactly what you want in life, but realize, that’s completely okay. College romances can be just that: a first love. And hunny, there will be so many more — we are no where near adulting.

Right now, at this very moment, we’re evolving. We’re at that age where you can’t stop evolving, even if you tried. It’s the point in our life where we are beginning to create ourselves without really knowing what that means. It’s college, and it’s the time to learn and grow in every aspect of our lives.

Not just what an 8 a.m. lecture and a textbook can provide: but to be confused, and to be okay with being confused. It’s okay to be a little lost, and it’s more than okay to be stupidly in love, and it is so okay not to be. Just because your friend from elementary school is off planning her dream wedding at age twenty, doesn’t mean you should too. Be stupidly in love, or as selfishly free as you’d like, but never — and I mean never — stop growing.

