McKayla Williams
Bloom Weekly
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2018


Here are the five things you’ll want to take with you to college. They’re basic, but you’ll thank me.

The first thing you will need is a washing bowl for dishes. You do not know what kind of slobs you will be living with in the dorms. The dishes you wash in a filthy shared kitchen will be dirtier than they were before. You might as well just eat on your dirty plates, instead of washing them in that disgusting sink. Trust me: bring a washing bowl. You will be shocked by the people that you live with at college: they’re f*cking gross.

Take plenty of dish towels. Why bother washing your dishes if you are going to use a dirty towel to dry them afterwards? You never know what you could catch from your gross flatmates. Chlamydia isn’t spread because everyone is getting with each other; it’s spread because everyone is sharing their dirty towels. That isn’t actually true, but you get the point. Pack plenty of dish towels, because the washing facilities are not great at universities. You will thank us later.

Bring a printer. Printing costs on campus are disgusting. It’s like legalized theft. You’ll be robbed in broad daylight — actually the dimly lit library — if you use a university printer. Having your own printer is a really great investment for your 4 years of college, especially for courses that require loads of printing. You can have your own paper, you can buy cheap ink, you can do whatever you want as long as you are not paying those ridiculous prices to print on campus. Besides, it’s handier to have a printer in your room anyways. You can print while you’re showering, instead of having to print next to the smelly guy in the library.

Get yourself a good comforter. Even if the dorms are warm, you will appreciate having a warm comforter when you move into off-campus housing or your first apartment. You will be living in some cheap house with some friends you made in your first year, and you will be freezing in your janky comforter. And then you will realize what it costs to heat your room, and you will buy a bunch of blankets to compensate. Just buy a high quality comforter that will last your first year or two of college. It’s worth it — especially when you have friends over.

Because of health and safety standards, all universities have heavy doors that close behind you. It is a real pain to hold doors open when you are moving in, especially if you’re living on the third floor or higher. So, be sure to invest in a good doorstop. It will make your life a lot easier when you are moving things in and out of your room. It’s also nice on your first day: you can leave your door open and say hi to all of the weird people who move-in next to you. You’ll be living with them, so you better start to make friends early! Get yourself a good doorstop. It’s really good for moving in or out, and socializing.

Those are the five things that saved me. Comment below with other suggestions!

