Find Your Peace

5 Ways to have a Peaceful Mind

Mehak Arif
Blossoms of Beautiful Minds
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Photo by Pexels on Pixaby

Do you often feel like you constantly keep worrying about things? You used to be calm and at peace but now you are trying to catch a break every day.

Due to past experiences, you cannot find your peace. Peace of mind is a gift and it allows you to be in a state of calmness and forget about the hardships you have been through.

It’s a skill that you can achieve by following few guidelines that will grow your mind and bring peace to your mind and soul.

1. Spend time in Nature

People who are connected to nature tend to be happier. Nature brings out the positive feelings in us like joy, sense of calmness etc.

When you go for a walk in the nature, listen to birds and get some fresh air it will help you feel joy and peace.

Photo by pasja1000 on Pixaby

2. Music is a Therapy

Listen to the music you like that brings out the positive emotions in you. Listening to the music is like a therapy.

When you go for a walk or sitting alone listen to the music that soothes you and just enjoy the music. It will meditate you and you will find the peace through it.

3. Acceptance

A very strong step towards healing is acceptance. When you accept that there are some adversities that you cannot control and there are some things that you can things start to become a little easy.

You worry less about the things that are out of your control.

4. Vent Out

When you suppress negative emotions, it will make you sick. So, it’s important to share your feelings, get them out of your system either to a friend, or by doing things that makes you happy.

Whenever you feel burdened with the overwhelming thoughts or stresses recall your outlet.

Photo by kalyanayahaluwo on Pixaby

5. Take time for yourself

It’s certainly healthy when you have some Me-Time. You go alone for either a movie or to a dinner and just be by yourself.

You will be shocked to see how a simple thing can impact your personal development.


Being true to yourself is an important way to get peace of mind. You treat yourself the way that you want people to treat you.

Explore the activities/ hobbies that brings out joy in you and start taking steps towards them.

Go with your pace. Not everything has to be done today. Take baby steps in accomplishing the goals and give yourself a break.



Mehak Arif
Blossoms of Beautiful Minds

Psychologist|| Researcher|| Ambivert || Explorer || Music.