BBM Monday Marriage Week #3

Key Factors To A Healthy Marriage

Blossoms of Beautiful Minds
5 min readFeb 6, 2023


“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle

LOVE is the Oxygen
TRUST is the Lifeline
Of a
Healthy Marriage

And Forgiveness for a Happy Soul!

Photo:GnanVi (Frame from Photo Collage app from App Store)

♥️ PHASE I ♥️

Love to the core with all that you have and all that you are. Love each other every second like you don’t have another chance or choice.

What happens when you hold your breath for a few seconds? Maybe you can try it out and see. The same thing happens when there’s even a small disturbance in your Love. Slowly you start feeling a tightness which turns into suffocation and then the end of the relationship. Breathe LOVE that is unconditional.

  • Make a strong basement with “Love.”

Obligation to be connected for a lifetime, that you will never leave one another. Is it possible to even complete any smaller tasks without commitment? Then, this is your life and don’t you think you need to create a commitment here?

  • Once the basement of Love is set, you get “committed.”

Vitality with hugs, kisses, laughs, sparkles, and glitters. It’s like growing a tree. You can’t just bury a seed and expect it to grow into a strong tree without any effort; you will need to water it daily, give fertilizers and manure, some pesticide or fungicide, and protect it from the harsh climate.

Sometimes you’ll also have to do some pruning for better growth and sometimes even to beautify it. Honestly, it’s hard work, but the fruit that a tree yields with such great nourishment will be very much tastier.

  • Once you get committed, you keep the flame on with these fireworks to keep it “alive.”

Express through communication and expression. In today’s world, communication is the one talent that’s very essential for success in all aspects of life including marriage relationships.

This one thing has been my enemy 🤐 I was never expressive. All that I have is the pure love of my heart and the constant smile I carry with me all the time, but that alone was not enough in dealing with relations after marriage.

It was only when I started to express my likes and dislikes, speak for myself and my worth, and even express my “love in words and phrases,” I was able to fix the parts that fell apart one by one. Every individual is different and not everyone has the gift to understand the heart and feelings, sometimes “right words” are very essential. I understood this fact in a very hard way.

Also, complimenting each other always works wonders!

  • Now, with communication also set right, the first phase, the Oxygen of your relationship “LOVE” is made strong.

♥️ PHASE II ♥️

Wrap Around With the Lifeline of TRUST

Photo: GnanVi

Trust to 💯 and be trustworthy 💯. This is possible with one magic that’s “transparency.”

Be an open book with writings in dark and bold letters. When you are already one single soul, what is there to hide?

This alone can work like magic to build trust strong enough that it can never be broken under any circumstances and by anyone at all at any time.

  • You’ve set the first building block of the second phase, “Trust.”

Respect each other for what they are and what they want to be, not just by saying but acting like one, treating each other with respect. It’s also very important to not let each other down in presence of other family members and friends. Respect each other’s boundaries and differences. This plays a vital role in strengthening the bond.

  • With trust, you automatically tend to develop “respect” for each other.

Understanding the heart and thoughts through the lens of the eyes. This is a tough task, but possible if you try and do some homework. You will develop this kind of understanding once you work towards becoming one and patiently move forward.

As I mention in every single article, every misunderstanding, every quarrel, and every argument is an opportunity to learn and understand each other better. A perfect relationship is not something without any arguments or disagreements. It’s about learning and evolving at every step.

  • Once you have respect for each other, it’s very obvious that you will definitely have healthy communication and “understanding.”

Synergy in thoughts, feelings, and emotions even when miles apart. At every stage, you evolve with an understanding of each other’s differences and you will reach a point where you start having the same thoughts and the same perspective about everything. There is the unity of body, mind, and soul with immense power that you’ll understand each other without words and even without physical presence.

  • Now, you’ve reached this “inseparable” state and do you need anything more?

Time together, to talk to and listen to, is a regular dose of supplement needed first to achieve this state of oneness and then to maintain it.

Even spending 10 minutes daily together discussing the simpler things about the day, the food, or just some time together outside getting some fresh air can make a great difference, and adds more energy to the bonding. A little time to show each other that you care, a little bit of expression is still helpful.

If you have kids, make some time for them no matter how busy you are. Thirty minutes in the whole 24 hours is not a big deal, it’s all in the mindset.

This is excluding the 10 minutes you have for yourselves as a couple and is very important to make your kids (as they grow up) understand that you need your privacy.

Also, a break from work and a vacation once in a while will add much more value to a healthy and happy relationship acting as a stress buster.

Don’t forget to create your individual space too, this helps create an even better beautiful life.

  • In conclusion, with LOVE being the oxygen and TRUST being the lifeline, you still need something when you go off track and what do you think that is?


And with all that being said, everything need not work as we expect. Things might go wrong still. We are human beings and we tend to make mistakes. Finally, here’s the only solution, “Forgiveness.”

Forgiveness has the power to soothe the pain, heal the wound, and vanish the scars for both the giver and the receiver.

Glow Bright with Love and Grace!


Spread Love! Spread Happiness!

Dancing energizes and helps bond, a beautiful article by Dr. Preeti Singh👇🏻

“Flaws are actually what makes us human, individual beings with unique characteristics.” Explained with a beautiful story by Shameem Anwar👇🏻



Blossoms of Beautiful Minds

🙏Grateful. Enjoy my stories of a balanced, spiced up concoction of life experiences, learnings from Nature. Spread love, happiness, positivity, sustainability.