Everything You Need to Know About Consent, Explained With A Burger

I’d love to share my fries with you, but not my burger

Danielle Loewen
Blow Your Stack
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2022


Photo by Carles Rabada on Unsplash

The other day we were eating burgers. My partner leaned over and snatched a fry from my daughter’s plate.

She immediately protested. “That’s mine!”

He dismissed her complaint with the typical, “It’s just one fry,” but I wasn’t about to let this opportunity go. Now that she’s in daycare in the mornings, I’m not there to oversee what other people teach her about consent.

“Daddy should not have taken your fry without asking,” I agreed, giving him a pointed look.

Kudos to him — he got the message. “Mom’s right. I’m sorry. I’ll ask you if I want any more.”

Most of us don’t run through food courts grabbing burgers out of the hands of strangers. There are pretty clear social rules around this.

Sadly, though, many people still seem confused about other people’s bodies — particularly women’s and children’s bodies.

Let me explain using burgers, so we’re all on the same page.

My burger does smell delicious. Oh, it’s making your mouth water? Maybe you should order your own burger.



Danielle Loewen
Blow Your Stack

she/her | reader | queer feminist | recovering academic | body lover | gamer | poet & fabulist