Seven Reasons Not to Put Pronouns After Your Name

Just because everyone else is doing it…

Mary DeVries
Blow Your Stack
Published in
6 min readJan 6, 2022


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Your elementary school bestie just sent you an email and the signature block says, “Melissa Friend, she/her.” Why the pronouns you wonder? Is this some new fangled thing all the cool kids are doing? Should you too list gendered pronouns after your name?

As your mama would say, “If your friend jumps off a bridge, would you jump too?” Maybe, Mama, if there are bungee cords involved, but I take your point. Here are seven reasons not to join the bandwagon and list pronouns after your name.

You think gender should be blindingly obvious in both names and appearance

Back in the good ole days, men were men, women were women and nobody knew which one Pat was. If Pat wants people to know what gender he/she is, he/she should call himself/herself Patrick or Patricia. He/she should dress like a man/woman.

Maybe Pat likes keeping people guessing or maybe Pat doesn’t accept either male or female as a label. This is not an acceptable answer, Pat! Choose a gender and make it obvious to the rest of us so we know which rigid stereotypes to assign to you.

Wait, did I say choose? I don’t mean that. You can’t choose, Pat. God assigned a…



Mary DeVries
Blow Your Stack

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.