The Ever-Irritating Ted Nugent Decides to Take On Taylor Swift and the Outcome Was Exactly What You Would Expect

He’ll never learn

Paul Combs
Blow Your Stack
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2023


Ted who? (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

I thought I was finished ranting for the year when I published my top ten rants of 2023 a week or so ago. In an attempt at some measure of holiday cheer, I was fully prepared to wait until January 1st before venting my spleen again. Sadly, as has happened on several precious occasions, my hopes for a bit of peace were shattered by a man who was last semi-relevant during the first year of Jimmy Carter’s presidency. I’m talking about, of course, Ted Nugent, the Motor City Motor Mouth.

If you’ve followed my rants over the past few years, you know that Ted gets under my skin. He especially gets under my skin when he says that Joan Jett does not belong in Rolling Stone’s list of 100 greatest guitarists (a list from which he was rightly excluded) and when he calls Bruce Springsteen a “dirtbag who supports communists.” A few days ago, Ted decided that disparaging the far-superior artists of his own generation was not enough; he decided to throw shade at Taylor Swift.

Silly, silly, stupid Ted.

As reported on, the man whose one hit song was called “Cat Scratch Fever” appeared on The Joe Pags Show podcast and said the following:



Paul Combs
Blow Your Stack

Writer, bookseller, would-be roadie for the E Street Band. My ultimate goal is to make books as popular in Texas as high school may take a while.