Bunny Island 2

Blox Central
7 min readAug 4, 2019


Bunny Island 2 starts off like Bunny Island 1. You get the option to be an employee or a park guest. When you enter the park, there’s The Grand Pizzeria and the main gift shop. Stroll a little further, and you’ve hit the three entrances to unknown lands where the rides are found.

Sector Prime

The Main Map Appearance

The first unknown land is called Sector Prime; there are two available rides to go on here. Island Hopper is only for VIPs and you have Boundless Mine not so VIP. There is one other area where a third ride may or may not be under construction.

The Rides

Right now we are only focusing on Boundless Mine, due to its ‘non VIP status.’ Boundless Mine is a story that doesn’t entirely make sense. There’s this gem factory that is under a mine where workers collect these gems. The ride itself is quite interesting; we’re not sure if the ride is supposed to educate or entertain. The jury is clearly out on that one. Riders in Boundless Mine begin their slow descent, when all of the sudden, the ride appears to experience ‘technical difficulties’ caused by a monster, which lives in the mine and destroys the factory. This evil monster then gets all the gems. Those poor miners just wanted to make money and instead, they got unemployment or death.

The Gift Shop

The gift shop, which is called Soars Goods, contains 5 different items. If you want to get technical, then, it actually offers 13. Number one is Defender 920; it costs 920 tokens. The advertisement claims,

The Defender 920 will float around and guard you against any other enemy units.”

Yet, I wonder why would enemies be attacking you in an amusement park in the first place. Number two is a robot bunny toy that costs 150 tokens. Outrageous! This award-winning sales pitch cites,

“It’s a Robot Bunny that squeaks! It’s definitely not spying on you.”

Why you would even include that is a mystery to me. Given the interest in plushies, more are discussed in Wild Realm. Number three is the Prime Pickaxe that costs 350 tokens. This stone-age classic notes,

“Yes, even in this age, pickaxes find their place.”

Phew, I was worried about that one; what would we do without those. Number four through eight are tank tops which all cost 8 robux. The colors are red, yellow, purple, dark blue and green. Numbers nine through thirteen are long sleeves that cost 11 robux. These colors are quite limited compared to the tanks. They come in red, green, blue, pink, and yellow.

Wild Realm

When you first walk in, there’s an ice cream shop that is kind of Aladdin-based complete with genie lamps on the tables, The Sultans Delight. The ice cream flavors the islander may choose from are, Chocolate, Vanilla, Bubble Gum, Mint, and last but not least, Cotton Candy. You can even get toppings that include chocolate chips, gummy bunnies, or piece de resistance, bubble gum pieces!

Right outside of the Sultans Delight Ice Cream Shop, the three rides are found. First is an attraction called Swampy. There’s a huge green monster that you’re stuck in its tentacles while they spin your cart and make you go up and down and all around. In the end, they spray you with water, thankfully it is not green, or…. YELLOW!

Swampy is at a price point for all of the hoppity Bunny Island inhabitants. If you are an uppity, AKA a millionaire, Island hopper is the place for all those VIP’s as it costs a lot of money but appears in each realm.

Next up, is my personal favorite, The Cat’s Eye. A roller coaster-like none other where you’re an archaeologist that’s looking for an artifact called the Cat’s Eye. but instead, you find hieroglyphics. While you can get close and find the Cat’s Eye easily, you are also trapped instantly. Then, in an effort to retrieve the Cat’s Eye and escape, you, unfortunately, end up in a poorly constructed, spinning vortex complete with optical illusions. Trippy! This causes quite the conundrum, as you spin around repeatedly on the verge of death, as manifested by everyone screaming


In the end, you live to tell the tale, with the Cat’s Eye clutched in your paw.

The Gift Shop

As previously mentioned, for the shopaholics, there are gift shops galore! In Wild Realm there are gift shops/kiosks for each ride. Swampy’s gift kiosk includes the head of swampy, which costs 500 tokens. This advertisement does not think you have eyes and states,

“It’s Swampy’s head! Spew your foes with swampy.”

I’m unsure as to why you would spray someone when you’re at an amusement park, I am unsure. Then, we have a green Swamp Bunny that costs 150 tokens. I love the explanation for this ad,

“It squeaks! It’s also a bunny from the swamp”

FYI, it is a misnomer that everything from a swamp is green.

The apparel section offers great revenue upsell, so get ready to shell out the Bux! This section includes two Swampy t-shirt designs each, which cost 8 robux. Compared to Swampy, Cats Eye, the other gift shop has a larger variety of options, there are two t-shirts and a tank top, but the real cat’s meow or money makers are PLUSHIES!

Yes, what Bunny islander extravaganza would be complete without a full selection of stuffies! There is a black cat plush, which costs 500 tokens “Meow!” A mummy bunny toy priced at a ridiculous 150 tokens, is a must-see.

“This bunny has been waiting thousands of years to finally squeak again!”

Wait, if it hasn’t squeaked in thousands of years then, it probably will sound gross. Oh, yep, I bought that. Ergo, if you like an annoyingly, squawking seagull screaming in your ear then, jackpot.

The grand finale of the Wild Realm is, drumroll, please…. Temple of Games, which has the game Marbles and Flames. In my opinion, they made it way too hard. The Temple of Games also contains two other games. One of which is Carrot Hunt, or Bunny Packman. The third games is Prize Mountain. To play Prize Mtn. you need to collect 20 gamer gems, which you earn from Carrot Hunt or Marbles and Flames.

Shift Back

The last realm is Shift Back, which is just one huge ride that has you journey back in time while experiencing repeated ‘errors’ or ‘failures.’ I am unsure if this is part of the ride, or if I was lucky to be on a glitchy ride by pure happenstance.

Throughout the ride, the Islander collects bunnies on the walls. This ride’s gift shop is a real winner. Obviously, it needs some merch consultancy. The entire shop consists of one lonely t-shirt. Perhaps the ‘Being Imagined’ building is a new and improved fully stocked gift emporium.

Main Map

Back to the main map, after you’ve had the best day on all of these rides and spent your life savings you can get a bite to eat at The Grand Pizzeria, where you have the options of four pizzas. One being a candy pizza. This pizza has chocolate sauce and then candies on the top, don’t forget the bread, sounds delish!

A second option for the Islander is the macaroni pizza with macaroni on pizza and no red sauce, that sounds like a carb overload, AKA Diabetes waiting to happen. Third, there is a black olive pizza which is a normal cheese pizza with black olives on top, sounds like a perfect choice for the rents. Finally, there is a pepperoni pizza, self-explanatory, pepperoni, cheese, boring. Each cost 3 tokens. The Grand Pizzaria does not stop at pizza only. There are beverage choices too. You can choose a strawberry blast or orange juice to quench your thirst.

But wait, if you still have a token or 50 left, there’s the main gift shop with bunny ears costing only 50 Bunny tokens, a bunny toy, four different balloons: red, blue, green, and purple and even 4 matching glow sticks. Just when you thought your wardrobe was saturated to the max with Island Bunny 2 merch, think again, my friend!

We have not even scratched the surface of the infinite different t-shirt designs. Now, after you’ve gathered all these souvenirs and had a good day, it’s time to head back and get some rest at your hotel.

Hop on the first train back to your hotel and kickback. The hotel features 5 floors of 5 rooms. There are two sides, therefore, with a bit of simple math, this equates to 50 rooms to choose from. But, that is not all! Grab your Bunnysuit or swimsuit, whichever you fancy. As the hotel also hosts three pools. Two are shallow and one is deep.

In your hotel, there’s a bathroom that includes a bathtub and a sink all including running water. Yes, this is an actual amenity. Prior there was no running water. Only the best for our guests.

As you enter a luxury 2 bedroom suite you can even open you open your window, perfect for your sleep ambiance, where you dream your wildest dreams. Each suite sleeps up to three people and boasts a tv that broadcasts one show at all times called, The One Show Blah Blee


If you go into the employee realm you have the option to become a pizza chef or a supplier. If you choose the supplier, your job is to carry a box to the locations they need. For example, if the pizzeria needs a restock in the pizza, you take your box and deliver. Boom, you get 10 tokens for every delivery. I mean that is like a set of bunny ears for every 5 deliveries!

If you choose to be a chef, then you make pizzas for the pizza place. First, you grab dough to flatten it in the machines. Then, add the toppings that the order needs. You earn 5 tokens for every pizza you make.

That concludes my Bunny Island 2 teardown. Leave your comments below on which game I should review next!



Blox Central

I love to #game and learn about new things. I like writing, graphics, and #crypto. I like to spill the news in Roblox with my BFF Porcupine212 & animal welfare.