BLXM Liquidity Farming — HOWTO
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2022

The BLXM Investor Portal is LIVE!!

BLXM Investor Portal is LIVE with Liquidity Farming

Over the last months it has become clear, that our community of investors, users and enthusiasts have come to see simple DeFi services such as staking, liquidity farming and bridges as useful and necessary.

bloXmove has embraced this fully and is moving ahead by building our own Investor Portal for “external” token management as well as an attached treasury module for “internal” token management.

Users benefit from the rewards they receive for liquidity farming, staking and bridging between chains.

The BLXM foundation benefits by being able to channel token supply and demand in a measured and mutually beneficial manner.

This benefits investors, users as well as the main stakeholders such as the foundation in charge of developing the product, the platform and the ecosystem.

Our first investor service: Flexible Liquidity Farming

We are launching with a flexible reward scheme for users providing liquidity to bloXmove.

Liquidity being a combination (a pair of) BLXM and USDC tokens in the ratio of the currently active price.

The BLXM Token Foundry is using 50,000 BLXM token from its own treasury every month to distribute among those of our users, who participate in this program. This is a 66% increase to our previous — outsourced — liquidity program.

In addition, we provide boosters of 10, 20 and 30 percent for users who lock their liquidity for 30, 60 or 90 days respectively!


  1. Navigate to the BLXM Investor Portal:
  2. Choose “Provide Liquidity” and connect your wallet using the button on the bottom of the page
  3. Enter the amount of BLXM or USDC you would like to provide to the liquidity program. Note that you will be asked to provide the actual liquidity pair, i.e. both BLXM and USDC tokens in the ratio given by the current exchange rate(s).
    This is different from the liquidity farm we were operating on Tokensfarm, where you brought LP-Tokens you had received in providing the actual liquidity pair to e.g. Pancakeswap.
  4. You only need to specify the amount for either BLXM or USDC. Based on the current exchange rate, the other part of the paid will be calculated for you. Before you execute, make sure you have sufficient BLXM and USDC in your wallet.
  5. We provide extra booster for locking: Users who lock for 30 days receive 10% more reward than non-locked tokens, 60 days receive 20% more and 90 days receive 30% more!
  6. Choose one of the three locking options (30 days, 60 days or 90 days) displayed. Below each locking option, you can see the updated APY you get when choosing that period.
  7. To complete the process, click “Provide Liquidity”. An overview of your transaction will appear and you will need to confirm the transaction in your wallet. For Metamask you need to do this twice, after it shows ‘unapproved’ under the ‘activity’ column in your Metamask wallet.
  8. To get an overview or to manage and retrieve your provided tokens go to “Manage Liquidity” at the top of the page.

Transferring your tokens from tokensfarm

Our investors who were using our tokensfarm pools are encouraged to transfer their tokens to our native portal.

Not only are we providing 66% more reward tokens, but you can also expect to be first in line for any future products we will launch as part of our DeFi offensive!

  1. Press the ‘Withdraw and harvest’ button on tokensfarm to claim your LP tokens and rewards, confirm via MetaMask.
  2. Go to your liquidity pool (for Pancakeswap this is accessible via and switch your LP tokens back to BNB and BLXM tokens by withdrawing the liquidity from the pool.
  3. Swap your BNB tokens for USDC tokens (for Pancakeswap via to be able to provide liquidity via our investors portal.
  4. To get an overview or to manage and retrieve your provided tokens go to “Manage Liquidity” at the top of the page.

Next steps: Staking and Smart Bridging

Our staking program will be launched on the 6th of May on the same Investor Portal. Staking will follow a similar process to Liquidity Farming, except that you add a pair of tokens (liquidity), but only need to add BLXM. In case of any questions, reach out to our team on Telegram.

Our smart bridge will be launched in the next few weeks; sometime late Q2 or early Q3 is a realistic timeline for that. We will keep you posted!

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