bloXroute Collaborates with Top Blockchains

bloXroute Team
bloXroute Labs
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2019

By Shen Chen, Business Development

bloXroute’s mission is to scale all blockchains. We started with Bitcoin and Ethereum to prove the network is the scalability bottleneck that can be solved by the Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN). Now, we are excited to announce the next set of blockchains we will deploy on.

New bloXroute Blockchain Collaborations

bloXroute plans to release Version 1 of the BDN in Q4 2019 with built-in support for Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum. We’re also pleased to announce that we are working to integrate the BDN with a number of new blockchain projects; including Ontology, Quorum, Conflux, and Metadium. For more information on becoming our partners head here. We are also in discussion with several other projects and expect this list will quickly grow.

bloXroute’s BDN is designed to be protocol agnostic while supporting both public and private blockchains. We couldn’t be more thrilled about these new blockchain partnerships and opportunities to continue on our mission of scaling all blockchains. By working with these additional blockchains, we will be integrating with new consensus protocols such as Verifiable Random Function (VRF), Verifiable Byzantine Fault Tolerant (VBFT), and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), while tapping into cross-chain and permissioned blockchains applications. More importantly, through these global partnerships we will have a chance to serve more users in the U.S, China, Korea and Europe.

This is just the beginning! We will publish a growing list of blockchain partners on our website who have agreed to work towards adopting the BDN.

If you are a blockchain project interested in integrating with us, please feel free to reach out at We are happy to help you take the first step towards integrating with the BDN: the world’s first Layer-0 blockchain scalability solution.

What Do We Look For In Blockchain Partners?

Blockchains benefit greatly from scalability: after they achieve scale they can focus their efforts on usage and other technical advancements. On our mission to scale all blockchains we will have to determine the order of what blockchains we integrate with the BDN. To ensure we spend our limited resources wisely, we developed a comprehensive blockchain review process to determine the priority of blockchain integrations.

This process begins with a project scorecard that assesses the level of urgency, difficulty, readiness, and potential of the blockchain. This is not an easy step since there are so many promising projects out there.

Below are the three key criteria we focus on:

  • Business prospect. Our mission is to remove the scalability bottleneck so blockchains can provide real world value to users. Thus, a blockchain’s ability to capitalize on this scale is important to both bloXroute and the blockchain’s success.
  • Need for improvement. All blockchains need a better networking layer but some, like Ethereum, are feeling the pain from a lack of scale today. We aim to work with teams to be there on day 1 so scalability isn’t a bottleneck.
  • Commitment to deployment. While usage of the BDN is seamless for miners and nodes, it requires some work upfront to create this frictionless experience. Depending on the blockchain, this could take as little as a few days to a few months. Commitment from core developers to develop and test the BDN can help speed this process along and lead to a successful deployment.

During the evaluation process we will talk to both the engineering and business teams of blockchains to get a thorough understanding of their project. The length of this process can vary from a few weeks to several months. Once we both evaluate the partnership and agree to collaborate we may sign an MOU to formalize our relationship. For blockchains that are not currently ready for deployment, please still feel free to reach out to learn more about our process. It’s always better to plan an integration ahead of time to ensure we’re ready when you are.

About Me

My name is Shen Chen and I lead the Global Business Development at bloXroute Labs. I was born and raised in China and moved to the United States in 2016. Before joining bloXroute I spent 12 years as a Marketing Executive at a US based industrial Fortune 500 company with $30 billion in annual revenues. I joined bloXroute in March to help establish bloXroute’s business development operations. I saw a link between my global experience in the business-to-business world and bloXroute’s need to bridge the gap between technologies and markets.

I look forward to further connecting with our blockchain community and helping our mission to scale all blockchains! Keep in touch with me on WeChat (QR code below), LinkedIn, Twitter, or drop me a line at



bloXroute Team
bloXroute Labs

Scaling blockchains to thousands of on-chain transactions per second. Today.