How to create great content without any experience

Evelina Gaizutyte
Blu Mint
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2016

Content Marketing is a method to build your brand’s identity in a way that’s personable and attractive to a potentially large audience of internet users. It takes time and money to produce, but it is extremely cost effective and now essential for reaching customers and other stakeholders.

But what is Content Marketing? And how do you come up with good blogging content when you have no experience in it?

Content Marketing is a strategic approach, which focuses on creating and distributing valuable and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Content Marketing is an ongoing process, based on the idea of communicating with your customers without overtly trying to sell anything. It provides your audience with useful and relevant information on a long term basis so they form a relationship with your company and this ultimately reward your business by driving profitable customer action.

Some of the greatest companies devote a large proportion of their marketing resources to content marketing, such as Microsoft, Cisco Systems, John Deere and P&G. Content marketing can be invaluable part of any business, no matter whether it is a small startup or a large multinational company.

Marketing is impossible without great, quality content and it can come in many forms. This includes:

Social media marketing;

SEO — Google loves businesses that provide quality and consistent content so it increases your search result rankings;

PR — you need to have great content in order to make Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns successful;

Inbound Marketing — content is essential to drive traffic and generate leads.

But the hardest question is how to create compelling content without any experience.

The team at has introduced us to a great infographic made by Blue Glass. It contains 22 ideas on how to create great awesome content “when you don’t have a clue”. Here is a quick overview with some simple tips:

  • Check other people’s blogs and pick your 10 favourite posts.
  • Ask people around you for ideas. Set up your own brainstorm!
  • Ask your readers directly what they are interested in reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of approaching people for interviews, even if they are not a famous person (yet!)
  • Write about products or particular websites as a case study It can be anything relevant to your business — electronic devices, new books or even new high tech shoes. You could even write about a popular movie or TV show, or perhaps celebrities — as long as it is relevant to your audience.
  • Go out for a walk and observe your surroundings. some ideas might pop into your head as you breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Tell your personal story or visit a special ethnic restaurant with a friend. You never know what might surprise and inspire you!

I wish you all the best as you get motivated and inspired!

Evelina is a marketing specialist in Tallinn, Estonia; and writes about Digital Marketing. This article was written for Blu Mint Digital.

