Top 5 Website Tips for Entrepreneurs

Before you begin to launch your online business, read about the top website tips for entrepreneurs:

David Bailey
Blu Mint
4 min readJun 13, 2017


You’re ready to launch your business. You know the importance of marketing and the power of the world wide web, but you’re unsure where to start when it comes to a website. So what are the top website tips for entrepreneurs?

You’ve heard the stories where website entrepreneurs have spent tens of thousands dollars on a website only to discover it didn’t work.

That’s why you need a website that…

Converts visitors into clients.

Grows your business.

Makes you money.

Now that you know what you need, it’s time to learn the top 5 website tips that will help you succeed as an entrepreneur.

  • Be Clear on Who You Are Targeting

You may not think your target market is a website tool, but you’d be surprised how crucial this element is to the success of your website.

Unfortunately, too many entrepreneurs use their website to target “everyone” rather than focusing on a specific niche.

With over 16 million small business websites going live every month, you need to stand out — and you need to be clear on who you are targeting.

That’s why the best place to start is your ideal client. Your ideal client is the number one target market (or more specifically, person), you’d like to work with.

They pay on time, are relatable, and want to shout about you from the rooftops.

They can’t sing your praises enough.

Get to know your ideal client as much as you possibly can.

Know where they live, their age, what their hobbies are into, who they aspire to, what makes them unique… even what books they read.

Once you’ve completed your research and chosen your ideal client you’ll know how and where you’ll market your website.

  • Make Sure Your Copy is Compelling

Images are important however if you don’t have copy that engages your readers and draws them to your site, then you won’t have a website that converts.

Here are the top website tips for copywriting:

  • Be authentic and make sure your content is relatable to your ideal client.
  • Write in a conversational manner with a language that they can understand. Be careful of jargon, unless it relates to your target market.
  • Use short sentences and bullet points. They help readers skim read and find the main information they are looking for.
  • Use persuasive language to draw in your readers. Use words like “you” and “your”.
  • Ask questions. Get your readers thinking and help solve their burning problem.

If you don’t feel confident about writing compelling copy for your website, I would strongly suggest investing in a copywriter.

  • Build Trust… Quickly

Let’s face it — people buy from people.

You could create a sales page and boast about your accomplishments however nothing will build trust more than testimonials or reviews.

They give your visitors a chance to hear why people have worked with you previously and why you were of value to them — without you having to blow your own trumpet!

Testimonials and reviews help build credibility and trust.1

You’d be surprised at how many websites don’t utilise the these, and how much of a difference they make to your bottom line.

Make sure your testimonials are placed on your website’s homepage, and throughout any other sales pages you have.

  • Have a Clear Call-to-Action

Your visitors need to know what your website is about.

It takes just 3 seconds for visitors to judge your site so you need to be clear on what your website goals are.

You also need to create links and buttons to instruct your visitors what to do next. This is called a call-to-action.

A call-to-action (CTA) provides clarity and helps convert your visitors into customers.

Ever noticed a website that has a button on their main banner image? The words might say “request your free quote” or “contact us today”. These are examples of a call to action.

CTA’s help your visitors take action, and convert your visitors into customers.

  • Create a Lead Capture Form

Your website is the number one tool you need to grow your subscriber list, and utilise email marketing.

Email marketing is one of the greatest ways to build rapport and nurture prospective clients.

That’s why you need to create a lead capture form. To help generate leads.

A lead capture form involves two things;
1) An opt-in form, and
2) A lead magnet

The opt-in the form obtains your visitors details such as name, email address, and phone number.

Your lead magnet is an incentive you provide in order for visitors to exchange their personal details. This could be a free eBook, course, or webinar.

The greater the offer, the more likely you are to persuade your visitors to sign-up to your email list.

Your opt-in fields are then integrated with an email marketing platform such as Mailchimp or Converkit to store the database of each individual that subscribes.

Once you have a list of subscribers, you can start to grow your business via email marketing.

Email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new clients as opposed to social media.

Using your website to grow your email list is the number one website tip that will help grow your business.

David is the CEO of Blu Mint Digital & a Board Member of the British-Estonian Chamber of Commerce; and writes about Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

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David Bailey
Blu Mint

CEO @Blu_Mint | Content Writer | Feminist | Rockstar Daddy to 3 sons | Recovering chocoholic