Blue Apron: Website Design

Within our society today, almost every brand has created and utilizes a platform in which they use as a vehicle to promote their corporation. Most commonly, these brands will employ a customized website or mobile application to sponsor their product and/or service. In doing so, the brand aims to deliver a convenient way for their prospect customers, as well as their returning customers, to gain more information in regards to what the brand offers. The way a company chooses to design their website and app greatly affects user likability and can “make” or “break” the experience. As a result, this within itself is able to influence brand reputation, the incline/decline of sales, and profit margin alike.

Blue Apron is no exception as they, too, have generated an application and website that offers many different ways for the individuals in their target market to explore what Blue Apron is really all about. Blue Apron’s website and app design are strategically laid out and are aimed to be easy to use, effortless to interact with, pleasing to view, and compliant to their target market. Mastering these targets is important when standing out among competing brands who may offer similar products and services. When it comes to Blue Apron’s website and app, it is obvious that they have integrated marketing design strategies as well as standard website conventions to make the interaction pleasant and fluid for the user.

Common strategies and conventions that Blue Apron has utilized on their website includes, but is not limited to, their logo placement in the top left corner, the navigation bar at the top of the website, using clear naming techniques, and having the “sign up” button in the top right corner. Incorporating this logo placement, navigation bar, and “sign up” button is strategically necessary when it comes to usability for the desired customer as well as success for Blue Apron. If an individual wishes to learn more about what Blue Apron is currently offering after seeing an advertisement, or they are just exploring in hopes to learn more about their purpose, they will find Blue Apron’s website easily due to their addition of search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization is an important first step for companies such as Blue Apron. It is used, and needed, so that individuals in their target market find the brand’s website with ease. An ideal second step is to make sure their website platform is pleasing to the eye. Blue Apron does an outstanding job at this as their site is not cluttered or dull in color, and they have made sure to make everything on the various pages of the site intriguing. The third step Blue Apron satisfies is making sure the layout of the page(s) as well as the links, videos, and images is/are usable. Blue Apron’s website functions well in all of these categories at a fast rate and makes the current user want to explore more throughout the site. After accomplishing all of this thus far, Blue Apron also has formatted their website to be mobile phone, tablet, and smart watch compatible.

Another platform that Blue Apron has made compatible with various tablets, mobile phones, and smart watches is their application. Their user-friendly app includes all of the strategic conventions their website does, but in addition it also gives customers the ability to have more accessible and time-friendly contact with what they have to offer. The app has a highly usable layout and is very pleasing to the eye. Blue Apron has also made sure that their app includes extra benefits that their website does not; such as order tracking. This feature allows the user to track their package to see when it will arrive at their residence. This is useful to individuals of all ages as knowing when their ingredients will be arriving is vital in keeping the food fresh. Their app also incorporates useful videos that will aid in the cooking process which is visually pleasing on the app, and very user friendly.

Overall, Blue Apron does an outstanding job at website design, app layout and overall platform usability. Their app and website give their customers a vehicle to dive right into the brand and be amazed at everything Blue Apron has to offer. They have created a beautiful, interactive, and fun set of platforms for their user that have satisfied the goal of positive consumer/brand interaction. In result of this, Blue Apron has had increased success since their launch as well as within the duration of their brand.

