What’s New at Blue Bite? Q2 Update.

Blue Bite
Blue Bite
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2018

Our last update brought you new features to enhance the experiences you create for your customers. We’re happy to announce that we’re bringing even more flexibility and updates to the kinds of experiences you can offer your customers, as well as tools you can use to manage how you display those experiences.

It’s an old adage that “customer is king.” We see this to be true more today than ever; for example, just look at how we measure success: net promoter score, customer lifetime value, cost to acquire… We’ve also seen a big surge in content creation as a way to capture customer attention and ensure businesses always have customer needs and wants poised right at their fingertips.

It’s Blue Bite’s mission to connect brands and customers through products. We leverage your existing content and help you utilize your products as a content channel to reach your customers. Our last blog post looked at why today’s content channels no longer benefit you. Social media is owned by third parties that keep you from gaining data on your users, and control if and when your brand gets seen by them. Email has proven saturated and technically limited. Mobile display is interruptive and provides a generic customer experience.

Transforming your products into a content channel puts control back into your hands. You own the channel, the messaging and the audience; you can publish as much content as you want without bothering customers because they voluntarily tap their smart products for information, and you gain the added value of customer data to inform future product development.

Our newest features have been developed with this goal in mind: to foster the best connection between you and your customers. Take a minute to read about our latest updates, and how they’ve been designed to help you better connect with customers through products.

Verification Reporting: Verification has become important for ensuring the validity of NFC tags, and the content they keep. To help you better track verified versus non-verified taps on your enabled products, we now offer reporting that records these kinds of interactions.

Data Permissioning: You can now control whether object data is shown publicly, privately or only on verified taps. Being able to control your data means you won’t expose any data you want to keep private, and it also opens up new types of experiences, such as verification, which keeps full experiences exclusive to product owners.

Experience Studio - New Components: The Experience Studio is now equipped to bring you more robust experiences. The form component has been redesigned entirely to include required fields, dropdown lists, style options, hidden fields, successful entries that lead to an action, and cookie support! New components include: a) event wrapper + action components which redirect to a URL or new studio file, and change page content based on user actions b) section wrapper which allows you to style other components c) button component which allows you to add a button to a form and/or other page d) time delay which allows you to set actions based on time periods.

Language Support: We understand the importance of being able to communicate with a global audience in their native language. The Experience Studio now supports multiple language files, and will display the correct language based on a user’s domain when they interact with an object.

Public Documentation: For both users who are getting to know the Blue Bite system, and veterans looking to learn how to do more advanced functions, we’ve made our platform documentation public. Utilize the documentation to familiarize yourself with actions you may not know how to do on your own, or to delve into the more complex and powerful functions Blue Bite is capable of. To access the documentation, click here: https://docs.mtag.io/.

We’re excited to see what you create with these new tools. Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or general feedback — we love hearing from you!

Get started building new experiences by signing up at https://bluebite.com or, if you already have a login, by simply logging into the dashboard.



Blue Bite
Blue Bite

We strive to improve lives by connecting people and information through the physical world. To learn more, visit www.bluebite.com