Why the Developer You Hire on UpWork May Not Be the Developer You Hire on UpWork

Sol Dieguez
Blue Coding
Published in
5 min readOct 5, 2023

It’s no news that new internet technologies and the way the pandemic propelled a remote work surge have transformed the way businesses operate, allowing for a global market of talents and services at our fingertips. Now the worldwide freelance market is estimated to be worth $1.5 trillion and increasing at a CAGR of 15% as of 2023. One such platform that has revolutionized the freelance world is UpWork. While it boasts an array of skilled professionals, a significant concern has emerged: “Is the developer you hire on UpWork genuinely the one you end up working with?” Let’s dive deeper into this topic by analyzing why UpWork has become such a popular platform and how there are still some things you should be aware of if you want to get the best experience possible when you hire remote developers

The Appeal of UpWork To Hire Remote Developers

To recap, UpWork is a platform where businesses can connect with professionals from around the world. From web developers and data analysts to executive assistant content writers, the variety of global talent and specialized skills you can access is remarkable. Now, the key reasons why people hire remote developers through UpWork coding gigs are:

Global Talent Pool:

You have access to a vast reservoir of talent, often at a fraction of the cost of local hiring. This makes hiring an outsourced development team through this popular freelancing platform a very attractive strategy for your business. You can reduce your development costs by up to 50% depending on the experience, seniority, and location of the UpWork developer you hire.

Flexible Contracts:

With UpWork, you can hire remote developers for a single project or offer them a long-term contract. This staff flexibility allows you to adjust your resources as your business scales over time and keep development costs down by reducing the hours needed depending on the solutions your company needs.

Varied Skill Sets:

From novice freelance software developers to experts with decades of experience, UpWork has it all. It’s relatively simple to find experts with the level of expertise you need them to have.

Catfishing in the Digital Age: Upwork Remote Developers

You’ve probably heard of the term catfishing in the context of online dating. It’s when someone pretends to be someone they’re not, using fake pictures or identities. In the freelance software development world, this takes on a different form but has similar deceptive undertones.

Some freelancers might use fake portfolios showcasing work they haven’t done, display misleading credentials or exaggerated skills, and some might even outsource your project to a third-party or less-skilled developer, acting as a middleman.

If you’re wondering why would any remote developer do this? Here are some motivations:

  • Competitive Edge: With thousands competing for the same gigs, some may feel pressured to embellish their profiles.
  • Financial Gain: By acting as intermediaries, they can keep a percentage and pay a third-party developer less than what you’re paying them.
  • Easier Projects: Some developers might outsource complex parts of a project while handling easier bits themselves.

Spotting the Fakes When You Hire Remote Developers

To ensure you’re hiring the person you believe you are, look for:

  • Consistent Communication: If your developer constantly defers meetings or avoids video calls, it might be a red flag.
  • Detailed Portfolios: Look for portfolios with detailed explanations of projects, client feedback, and ideally, links to live projects.
  • Verified Skills: UpWork offers skill tests. While not foolproof, they can add a layer of confidence to your final decision when you hire remote developers.
  • Openness to Collaboration Tools: Tools like GitHub for developers can be revealing. It allows you to see the codes they commit, ensuring they’re doing the work.

The Middleman Dilemma

A trend that’s not necessarily deceptive but can be concerning is the rise of middlemen on platforms like UpWork. Some professionals position themselves as freelancers but, in reality, represent agencies or teams and do not fully disclose it until much later than needed.

There are pros and cons to this:


  • Diverse Skill Set: An agency might have a team of specialists to handle different parts of your project.
  • Quicker Turnaround: With more hands on deck, your project might be completed faster.


  • Quality Variation: Different team members might have varied skill levels, affecting consistency.
  • Communication Barriers: Speaking to a representative instead of the actual developer can lead to a few lost-in-translation moments. This doesn’t really allow you to build trust in your development team.

Safety Nets and Precautions to Take When You Hire Remote Developers Through Upwork

To protect yourself from potential pitfalls when you hire remote developers through UpWork, consider:

  • Milestone-Based Payments: Don’t pay the entire sum upfront. Set clear milestones and release payments as they’re achieved.
  • Detailed Contracts: Clearly outline your expectations, deliverables, and terms of collaboration.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Have consistent meetings to discuss progress, addressing concerns early on.
  • Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, it might be. It’s okay to reassess and change course if necessary.

Are There Alternatives To Upwork?

Choosing a nearshore software development company like Blue Coding can offer your business a more reliable and strategic approach when you hire remote developers. Instead of navigating the uncertain waters of freelance platforms, where credentials and actual skills can sometimes diverge, Blue Coding provides an assurance of quality and time-efficient technical recruitment. We do this through our extensive vetting process, where each developer undergoes rigorous testing, in-depth interviews, and performance evaluations. Such meticulous screening ensures that the skills and professionalism of the developers are beyond question. Plus, by opting for nearshore solutions, businesses can benefit from cultural and timezone similarities, promoting smoother collaboration and project alignment. In essence, our nearshore software development not only eliminates the guesswork from hiring but also ensures optimal synergy between the remote developers and our clients.

Ready To Hire Remote Developers?

UpWork, like any platform, has its highs and lows. The key is to navigate with caution, armed with knowledge and a clear strategy. The very nature of the IT industry and the remote work landscape means it’s impossible to eliminate all risks, but by being vigilant and proactive, you can significantly reduce them. The right developer for your project is out there but it just might take a bit of digging to find them.

Now, if you need to hire a remote development team as soon as possible, you might consider nearshore software solutions as an alternative IT hiring strategy. At Blue Coding, we can help you find the right fit for your team and hire LATAM developers through the expertise of our technical recruitment team and proven vetting process. Contact us today to schedule a free discovery call and learn more about our nearshoring services!

