Familiar Magic

Elise Edmonds
Blue Fire
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2018


Photo by Sam Burriss on Unsplash

I spent all night brewing the spell. This time, I’d get it right. My coven sisters would stop laughing when they saw my new powerful familiar.

Dawn came, and the potion smelled like candyfloss, fresh apple pie, and lilac. I stirred it, green phosphorescence flickering on its surface. It was ready.

“Callum!” I called. My disreputable cat stalked into view. Getting on in years, he walked stiffly and didn’t groom properly any more. Matted lumps stuck out on his fur.

Using a ladle, I scooped some of the potion into a saucer. It shimmered oddly as I placed it in front of him. He gave it a disdainful stare.

“Drink it.” My voice was stern. His baleful yellow eyes looked through me, but he lowered his head and delicately lapped it up.

Nothing happened. The saucer was clean. Callum sat up and licked his paw.

Then his insides started to gurgle and he whisked his head from side to side. He opened his jaws and a huge yowl escaped with a voluminous puff of purple smoke.

When the air cleared, I gasped. A sleek blue-furred cat stared back at me. Bizarrely, his lower half had morphed into a shining turquoise peacock tail. My jaw dropped.

Callum raised the tail and unfurled it with a whoosh. He gave a satisfied purr and started to preen.

Huh, I hadn’t been expecting that. Something had gone wrong with the potion. Never mind. I’d pretend I’d done it on purpose. With a showy half-cat-half-peacock as familiar, I’d soon be top dog of the coven!



Elise Edmonds
Blue Fire

Magic Writer! YA Fantasy Fiction. Revels in Magic and Mayhem. Supports Indie Authors. Lover of Cats & Dragons. Introvert. Brit. http://magicwriter.co.uk