Robot Nanny

Elise Edmonds
Blue Fire
Published in
6 min readApr 3, 2018


Celia saw the ad in the morning paper. She’d peered over Robert’s shoulder as she poured the tea, and the bold text stood out.



Comes with:

education modules

chores mode

personalised bedtime routine

built-in diaper disposal unit

and recipe bank

“Oh, look,” she breathed. Childcare was the bane of their life. Her busy factory job and Robert’s work as a banker made them reliant on nannies and daycares … but none of them lived up to her high expectations.

Celia fired the last nanny for making eyes at Robert. The silly man hadn’t minded, but she didn’t want that going on under her nose. And the current daycare was awful. Half the toys broken, and the children a rough lot.

She ran her finger down the ad and placed the teapot on the table. “This could be the answer to our problems.”

Robert pushed his glasses up his nose and sniffed. “Are you sure, dear? It’s terribly expensive. Can’t we make do with daycare?”

Celia tutted. “Have you seen that place?”

He shook his head. Pick-up and drop-off was Celia’s job. She ran her fingers through his hair and rested her…



Elise Edmonds
Blue Fire

Magic Writer! YA Fantasy Fiction. Revels in Magic and Mayhem. Supports Indie Authors. Lover of Cats & Dragons. Introvert. Brit.