Mohamed Bamba Commits to Texas

It was just another day…

Isaac Stevens
Blue Gets In
1 min readMay 19, 2017


I was in my car on the way to a dentist appointment this morning when my phone started blowing up.

I pull up to a stoplight and check my twitter notifications. First thing I see when I pick up my phone is the “@EvanDaniels” handle.

Could it be? I think to myself. Then….


I spent the rest of the day dumbfounded by the decision. I was absolutely sold on the idea of Mo Bamba wearing a Kentucky jersey next season. If the kid wants to be a potential number one pick in next year’s draft and possibly an NBA star, why not come to UK? A school with basketball pedigree, and a history of developing raw, but talented big men into elite players that are ready to make an instant impact at the next level.

Why not Duke, or even Kansas?

If you’re still scratching your head and wondering why, you can read more about Bamba’s decision to commit to the Longhorns right here in the article he wrote for The Players Tribune.


Last week, I tweeted this out

I stand by that statement. If you’re an elite talent, you need to go to a place that is going to develop and prepare you for making the jump to the NBA. But that’s just my two cents.

At the end of the day, it’s his life. It’s his decision. I wish the kid all the best in Austin.

